Draco goes back to sitting on the couch when two little voices start yelling upstairs

You go to leave Aries but Draco stops you

"No princess I got it, you can stay with Aries." Draco says and you nod

You look at the time and realize you haven't even started dinner

The triplets are a handful that's why you talked to Draco about putting them in daycare, he didn't like the daycare idea not liking the idea of some random people watching his children, and how it's so far away in the muggle world he didn't like that either, the triplets being all the way in the muggle world what if they got hurt? How would you both find out? Which they call your cellphone you have which he keeps forgetting you have muggle devices

But well when he realized how much free time he could actually have with you, like the triplets not walking in on you both, or repeatedly knocking on the door until you both open it, he started liking the day care idea

Because honestly you were too stressed taking care of them for hours a day, Draco once came home late after work like it was almost 3 in the morning and he found you crying on the floor, as the triplets were screaming and yelling and drawing on the walls, Draco got them all to bed then just held you as you cried so stressed from dealing with the triplets for like 24 hours a day, all day and night, and sometimes not even getting to sleep properly and then having to do it all over again, so convincing Draco about day care was well easy

"Aries sweetie what do you and your siblings want for dinner?" You ask and Aries thinks as he had a finger in his mouth

"Ice cream!" He says and you shake your head "Oh no ice cream......Ok I want spaghetti." Aries says and you nod you can make that


Draco told you earlier as you were making dinner that scorpius was coming over to visit and staying for dinner

But at dinner you all were eating when Amalthea got angry at Aries and hit him

"Thea!" You say and Draco looks up not seeing what happened "You do not hit." You say and Amalthea tells you Aries took something of hers

Draco got up and walked over

"Let's not fight at the dinner table, Aries whatever you took you give back you don't take your sisters things, and Thea you come and tell me or mom remember?" Draco says and Amalthea nods as Leo was chatting away to scorpius about everything he's done since the last time he saw him, starting at what he did right after he left

You had a headache it wouldn't go away no matter what you did, silence? Nope, drinking water? Nope nothing seems to get rid of this headache your having

Eventually you hear someone say something snapping you out of your thoughts

"Dinners yummy thank you mommy." Aries says as he finished then he wanted to go play outside

"How about later I don't think I can go outside right now." You say not feeling up to it, even if you finished eating

Draco looked at you seeing you not doing so well

"Scorpius can." Draco says and scorpius glares at his dad not happy he did that Draco mouths to Scorpius just do it as he tries to get scorpius to see how unwell you look, which scorpius noticed and sighed

"Uh yeah sure." Scorpius says as Aries was happy and jumped off the chair and pulled scorpius with him outside not caring about shoes which you yelled after them, put shoes on

"I need to lay down." You say and Draco nodded knowing he's gonna check up on you soon once Leo and Amalthea were done eating and outside

|Even more time later|

You were laying in bed when Draco lays beside you

"What's going on?" He asks worried and you look over

"Just a headache." You say and he nods as you snuggle into him and he just lays there as scorpius was watching the triplets right now, so you and Draco don't need to worry too much about them

"Did you know that people thought I was the triplets grandfather and not their dad?" Draco asks and you look up at him and nod

"Yes I did, and people have thought you were my dad." You say and Draco smirks

"Well I guess you can say I am your daddy–" Draco then stops as you hit his arm and he laughs

"Shut it." You say and Draco kisses your cheek


"Oh right and the day care also called scorpius the triplets dad." You say and Draco choked on the water he just drank

"WHAT!" Draco says extremely shocked and you nod

"He told me he went to pick up the triplets one day, and they said your dad is here, apparently the people at the daycare were shocked to learn that's their brother." You say and Draco sighs

'Yeah I know I seem like the triplets grandfather when people see y/n is the mother, but I never thought people were calling Scorpius the triplets dad.'

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