
Start from the beginning

"She's a murderer?" Seok-kyung said after leaning over Jenny's shoulder.

I raised my eyebrow and stood up. I walk over the crowd. Rona who walk pass me snatched the phone and reads it herself with a shock face. "This can't be true." Rona gasped in disbelief.

The students circled around Rona who was still in a shocking state, the way it looks, Rona is the prey surrounded by the hunters. Behind me, stood Kenji and Seok-hoon also curious about the article.

Murderer? Of who?

"Maybe your mom pushed Seola from the roof." I silently gasped.


I glance at Rona who is still speechless. "She did that for her daughter?" Minhyuk sarcastically said. 

"Gosh, that creeps me out." Kenji added.

"Come to think of it, your mom came to see us the day after Min Seola died with bloody hands."

Bloody hands?

My hands shaken. "Maybe she killed Min Seola and framed it to suicide."

A ringing sound came to my head. I went back to reality seeing Jenny being pushed by Rona.

"You are so dead!" Jenny stood up and pushed Rona on my direction but someone grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side. I looked up beside me seeing Seok-hoon.

Rona grabbed a drum sticks to hit Jenny and Jenny pushed her more harshly than before and on and on. "I have enough of this." I hissed.

I snatched the drum sticks from Rona's hand before it pokes someone's eye out and pulled Jenny away from her.

"Look at the 2 of you!" I yelled. "Rona, don't over react. If you believe that it's not true then look so guilty." I turned to Jenny. "Don't accused someone without any evidences."

"If the teacher saw you 2, you know what will happen. Do you want to have that on your record? Or worse, being expelled. It'll ruin your reputations!"

"Min Seola's death is till a mystery. All of you bullied her right? Why do you act all innocent huh? All of us sinned didn't we? Aish, grow up." I glared at them, I went over to my back pack and walked out of the room ignoring all the attention.

The quiet girl, that's me over this past week here. I only talk when there's a fight or if some students are bullying someone but mostly, I just observe.

But one thing caught my attention...

and that is...

Bae Rona's mom

She could be a suspect.

to Min Seola's death.

My phone suddenly buzzed. "Oppa? I'm still in school."

"I know, I'm just going to tell you that we'll be having a dinner later...About Seola." He said on the other side.

"Okay...I'll come." I replied. I lowered my voice and whispered...








"Will Ms. Shim coming?"



Yehey another update!!! I'm proud of myself hehe. My exam just ended today so, I'll be updating more. 😘

Hope you like this part and appreciate the moment Hera have with Seok-hoon, I'll add more in the other chapters so stay tuned! 😁

Please follow and vote for all of my stories (IF YOU LIKE) 💙

Words count: 1013


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