Oblivious Love

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Chapter 1

                        Every day we would see the same people following the same routines. Except there are some who live out of the ordinary. They are able to breakout out of the ritual of waking up in the morning and then going to sleep. These people are who I call my friends. With them I never know how my day will start nor end. It can change in a matter of seconds with them. There was Sophia Rockwell who lived each day as her last. With her long auburn hair and chocolate brown eyes she was able to convince anyone to follow her lead. Day by day she would come up with new ideas to entertain herself with me tagging along. Sophia or as I like to call her Sophie were like two peas in a pod. From birth we were inseparable, always in mischief. Since then we were close with one another almost like sisters. However it wasn’t just the two of us there was the third amigo that completed the three musketeers, Chad Coleman.

            Girls would throw themselves at him wanting a piece of him. Well except for me and Sophie. Now you must be wondering why they would want him so badly. His dirty blonde hair was swooped over his eyes ever so slightly. Never would he dare to hide his oceanic blue eyes that anyone could get lost in. Of course he was Sophie right hand man when it came to convincing someone to do something. She would get the boys and him the girls. The terrible two are dangerous when they are together. If they really wanted to they can conquer the world together. The three of us were the three musketeers that were together from the start.

            I guess you can say we were well known at the prep. The prep was like a boarding school except co-ed and more fun.  Sophie and I shared the same dorm with two other girls while Chad was just down the hall from us. It was the middle of the semester and we still didn’t let the class schedules become a routine for us. Sophie made sure that each day was different from the last with the help of moi and Chad. It was our last year in the prep before going to college or the university so why not make it the best as she would say.


            The sunlight was shining through the blinds and with my luck I always get stuck with the bed that it hits first. Being the nice person that I am I closed the blinds to let my roommates sleep in more. Since its Saturday there was no class meaning we can sleep in. I crawled back in bed in an attempt to fall asleep but only ended up tossing and turning. Instead of just laying bed staring at the ceiling I grabbed my Iphone 4 from my bedside to see that I had a text.

Morning Sunshine :) I know that your awake thanks to the sun.

I smiled at the text and thought of how well he knew me. Recently he’s been calling me Sunshine not that I mind but I do have a boyfriend, Nick Norton.

Morning to you too stranger :P I’m hungry!!!! Bring me food my tummy is growling

            After sending him the message I noticed that it was seven in the morning. Too early to be awake on Saturday I thought. I checked my Facebook to see if Nick was awake yet. No new updates meaning he was still sleeping. Lucky. As I was reading some comments a texted popped to the screen from Chad.

Well so am I. So get dress I’ll be ready in ten minutes. Andale Senorita!! :)

I laughed quietly at him trying to talk in Spanish. Quietly I got out of bed and grabbed some clothes from my closet and changed. Seeing as how we were just going to get a bite I decided on my Gir t-shirt and my skinny jeans. Once I was done putting on my chucks I stealthy went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and fixed my hair. Once I knew I was ready I grabbed my black clutch wallet and phone. Silent like a mouse I made my way to the door and waited for Chad in the hall.

While I waited for Chad I wondered on various things. Homework that was due on Monday and of course Nick. Nick was chosen for me by my parents who they thought was good enough for me. The thing is I don’t see him more than just a friend but I don’t want to disappoint my parents so I keep up with the charade. Sometimes I think Chad has an issue with it. Out of Chad and Sophie he was always the hardest one to read for me. Sophie I can read her like a book but Chad he was unpredictable. 

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