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       Chapter 6 part 2
x-virus so I guess you are going to have to Bank of a nickname for you.

Skylar hey so what do you think I could have my handbag or. No it's my hand.

Eyeless Jack so you two are a couple how does Toby think of this.

x-virus he doesn't know yet.

Hoodie I can't wait to see how this blows up in his face.
Hey Masky are you okay you've been staring at that guy for a while now.

Masky oh sorry hoodie I was just thinking of someone.

Offers note okay so I just want to say one thing if you guys have never seen mobile Hornets you guys are going to not know what some of the stuff is but if you have then you'll know what I'm talking about. Back to the story.

Hoodie oh do you want a hug hey I said sorry and Alex was going to kill him either way. And I mean he is the one that killed him.

Masky Hoodie it's okay. Jay is gone and it's fine.

Ticci-Toby hey so Cody I was thinking who your lover is.
And well I was thinking you're not really close with anyone here except for a few people.

Cody I already know what you're thinking and to it is not Chris Toby.

Toby no l didn't think that I think Masky.

Hoodie what why would you think that. Because he always stares at him.

Masky Toby set up l don't like x-virus.

Toby oh well then I know it's the one that he knows.

Ben you better hope he doesn't think it's Jeff the hugger or else you're going to be screwed.

x-virus hey I don't know a lot of people Plus Toby wife stupid.

Toby pov I didn't know who it was but I notice that him and Masky had gotten a little bit closer but I didn't think it was him I knew he was staring at somebody really badly staring them I had to find out who it was I also want to find out who Cody Boyfriend was?,

Skylar so I can call you Cody.

x-virus pov yes you can I had been thinking about a nickname to give to Skylar I said not to use sky because I was already his nickname I want a nickname to be special but what we had been dating for over 2 months now and Toby didn't even know who he was I quietly kiss the top of Skyler's forehead when I heard a voice talking in my head Cody come to my office. I need to talk to you about something?,

Slender man Hello my child.

Cody yes sir you needed me for something.

Slender man l afraid that you're not going to like this as much as Skylar would have us as telling you.
Principal and went insane and killed 500 people in London California and let's just say she went to jail for a long time well once he got out he tried killing her siblings and now she's has paid for her price she doo.
And let's just say when he died she kind of.

x-virus sir are you trying to say that season the afterlife and a doctor Taylor.

Toby what's wrong M-Masky

Masky nothing Toby just thinking about something.

Slender man and the problem is?, is she's not alone.

x-virus what do you mean by that is he coming here.

Slender man I'm afraid she might but you will not be alone she's on her way into Lord zalgo and what to say he gave her a position and he found others that would help her get control of Skylar mind again. Cody I'm going to sit down with him for a little while I know that is not a good idea to send Skylar home right now so he is going to stay with you.
Since his your boyfriend.

Hoodie what's going on.

Masky I'll be back.

Toby so Skyler was Cody boyfriend.

Hoodie oh you found out that's great.

Time skip to back at Kevin 9.

M3 I'm sure hoodie in Masky will be back any moment don't cry. please?,

Masky hey I'm back.

Lily Masky thank you for not leaving me.

Hoodie oh that's what you came back for hey Mmm so we have a bit of a problem.

Masky I'll tell Lily if you tell your girlfriend.

Lily please don't send me home I don't want to go back there it was hey hey I'm down don't cry we are not sending you home you home you're going to stay with me for a little while okay. I thank you Masky.

Hoodie do you mean you don't want to break up.

M3 hoodie I'm perfectly fine with leaving I just I can't let sky stay at that hellhole again.

Masky he is not going to he's staying with x-virus.

Cody what did I miss.

M3 back already so are you going to Seaport in the Manson. Or what?,

Masky we're not allowed to do that we're going to have to keep Lily at the house.

M3 I'll see you when all this comes over okay Lily try to listen to Masky don't forget he cares a lot about you.

Cody/x-virus so where is Skylar at?,

M3 he's in your cabin.

Back at cabin number 1971.

Skylar pov I I'm covered my head from the blankets but I felt a pair of arms wrap around me good morning I said to my lover I get no response realizing he's asleep he's sleeping right next to me he's so cute do l like you a lot Cody but I really have to get up so I can get breakfast.
I get no response and I try to strike out of this type rip That he has me in. No luck Cody I think his name one more time. Hey what can't we sleep a little bit longer.
I like cuddling you. I guess you could I'm just a little bit hungry.

Author's note okay I got it put something for all the beginning so if you are lactose intolerant you can have broccoli and carrots with nuts unless you're allergic to nuts then you can just take out. For all the people that are not begin and that cannot have meet you can just bacon you do like what are they called I really like begin me or something.

Pinkamena the announcement for breakfast if you have a choice between carrots salami begin meet and celery or pancakes or waffles if you don't want them cakes sausage egg that's it oh and today's drinks are water no milk sorry everyone also there will be a assembly later today. Please come after breakfast.

Offers note okay we're going to boss battle in the next day after for sure and I'm sorry this is sort this is the ending of chapter 6 Park 2. By.

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