starting up The Feelings of Gay

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                Chapter 2
Skylar pov it was 10:40 a.m. last time I checked just time to get up. I scared of my pet hey the weird creature I can't believe I a boy that look you just like a human made Friends of the animals out of half creatures remind me that are creatures but they normally ended up all day except for one of them what I decided to keep as a pet. Hey Ali you up all good boy eat up I said I said him the dog food.
Cuz I noticed Cody was feeding someone does your pet I have him he only replied with oh they're not pets there part of my experiments you know what I thought maybe you did the same thing considering how weird your pet is but I guess it's kind of cute in some way Plus at the same time as I told him that's my cheeks don't lie oh by the way we have assembly today. So I won't be in the counseling office he told me.
Neither will I but I'm a part of the assembly so pretty much have to be a part of it.

x-virus after the assembly I don't see looks pretty scary so I took him to are shared room I made him down on the bed can stroke his hair gently hey it's okay we're not a part of this you're supposed to talk but there are some rules because I am higher monarch of the counselor pretty much your boss I think you're doing great. No you are not Cody. I'm sorry but for now I can't really do much the help you feel calmer and no that is not true but what I just said but thought it would calm you down at least for now I'm sorry do you want me to leave you alone after a few minutes I chest a red colored Plus darken around my face. He quietly sang to me okay I'll be here for you for now at least I thought to myself you know what I was about to say something want to know she was asleep I laid him down on his bed and got his phone I look better camera fingering that picture hit up his background so he is gay oh well that's fine with me.   

I know is he was already talking to people wow he's already making friends I thought next to Lazzari and Ethan hey I said as I got up to throw away my food Alice wanted to say hi really I wasn't that hungry I thought to myself oh hey Cody.

Oh hello my name is Skylar. What's your name?.

Skylar pov I felt myself start to go dizzy I got my start to cough up blood in till I pass out on the ground.

Author note well looks like at the Cliffhanger for you sorry this chapter is sort along with chapter 1 sorry.

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