"Man, he did great things." We agree with Jerry.

"I still want you. Ay! Mi amor." We turn to see Giselle on the coffin.

"Billy's dead and he's still got a better chance of getting laid than I do

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"Billy's dead and he's still got a better chance of getting laid than I do." Jerry and I look give him a look while he looks down wishing he didn't say that.

When it was time for the ceremony we hear a motorcycle. "Tom's here." Jerry says and we don't look.

"Of course he's gotta make a scene." I sigh.

"Is this Billy's funeral? Is that the corpse of Billy Newnwood?" Tom shouts making us feel embarrassed

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"Is this Billy's funeral? Is that the corpse of Billy Newnwood?" Tom shouts making us feel embarrassed. "Jer, is that you?" Tom asks making him turn around and motion to get over here. "You're with Dan?" Dan raises his hand. "Is Parker with y'all?" He asks so I wave. "Where'd you guys park?" He asks.

"Tom!" Jerry shouts then motions to come over.

"Okay, sorry. There's a hell of a fender-bender coming in, and..." We try to ignore him.

"Please continue. I'm so sorry." I apologize for Tom as he joins us.

After the funeral we all go to a bar to drink and talk about our life. Since we got here, Tom's eyes have not left me making me feel slightly awkward. "Tom, you keep staring at me." I laugh drinking my beer.

"I can't get used to you being a blonde." I just laugh at him still staring at me.

"Hey, Tom is right. You look different." Jerry agrees with him.

"So I look bad?" I ask them in a joking tone.

"No!" They both shout out quickly.

"You look amazing as a blonde too. It's just different." Jerry rants fast.

"You're as hot blonde too." Tom adds then his face makes him realize what he said so he drinks his beer.

"What made you want to go blonde?" Dan asks me and I chug my beer more making something catch Tom's attention.

"Wait, you're married?!" Tom grabs my hand tugging it across the table to look at my ring.

"Oh, what? When? You never told me and we keep in touch all the time!" Jerry takes my hand from him.

"How long? Why didn't you bring him?" Dan asks.

"Man, got some money because look at this diamond. It's a fucking rock." Tom says so I take my hand back.

"I've been married for five years." I start to drink my second beer.

"Five years and you never told me?!" Jerry shouts.

"It's nothing big." I down my second beer.

"What's wrong?" Dan asks knowing something was wrong.

"I didn't even verbally tell him I was here. I left him a note saying I had a funeral to go to then left as fast as I could." I explain drinking more.

"Are you okay?" Dan asks me.

"I'm completely fine other than trying to file for divorce with out him finding out. Or having him control my fucking life. He made me go blonde and has been making me keep it this dumb color." I huff.

"So he's a dick..." Tom says making Jerry hit him.

"You have no idea." I order a stronger drink.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jerry asks.

"He hates you and doesn't even know you. He hated Billy too. He hates everything in my life. I'm sure he hates me too. I just wanna leave him but it's so hard. I've tried and he wasn't very happy about it. I have to pretend I love him." I explain holding back my tears not wanting them to see me cry about my life. "Now let's change the topic please." I laugh.


"What are you doing with your life? Did you become a stripper." Tom laughs thinking it would be a funny joke since he said that when they graduated.

"Tom." Jerry sighs not thinking it was funny.

"Actually it was my job to help me pay for college to be a teacher. Then I met Rick at bar I worked at and after some time told me to quit just to move in with him." Parker smirks at Tom.

"You didn't tell me! What if I showed up and saw you?! I would've had to bleach my eyes." He jokes making everyone crack up.

"Wait. When was the last time you talked to Billy?" Jerry changes the topic.

"Before he when on his trip that ended in a accident." She answers him.

"Of course you and Billy kept in contact for so long." Tom smirks making them look at him.

"What is that supposed to mean? I kept in contact with Jerry too." Parker tilts her head confused.

"Well you and Jerry have always been close, but you and Billy were different." He smiles at her.

"Different how?" Dan asks not getting at what Tom was saying.

"Come on! I can't be the only one who knew about her and Billy hooking up in high school. More than once too." Tom looks at them surprised.

"Wait, really? I just thought it was a joke the whole time when Tom mentioned it." Jerry was shocked.

"I didn't take Billy as your type." Dan makes her laugh.

"He wasn't but he was cute so things happened. Oh! I know what we should do!" Parker hits the table thinking of something. "Let's go visit Fort Copper." She smiles at them.

"Yes!" Tom agrees quickly.

"Let's go." Jerry says so they look at Dan.


"Did you notice how many hot chicks were at the funeral?" Jerry asks making Parker realize they were still the same deep down.

"No kidding! It was like a discotheque with a coffin in the middle." They stop to look up at Fort Copper. "God, I remember it being taller." Tom says.

"Race you to the top!" Parker jumps onto the rope first climbing up with Tom right behind her then Jerry behind him.

"Come on, Dano." She says getting to the top.

"Dano, come on up, Buddy!" Tom tells him too.

"Come in, Dan." Jerry adds.

"You guys are hammered! I'm not climbing up a 20 year old rope. That's crazy." Dan goes over to the ladder.

"Tommy, catch." Jerry tosses up the flashlight so he catches it.

While Dan was climbing up the latter he falls because a step broke

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While Dan was climbing up the latter he falls because a step broke. "You all right, Dano?" Parker shout down to him. He gets up and the guys tease him with the rope like when they were younger.

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