Chapter 6

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“You want me to pose for nude photographs?”

Mu Mu explained hurriedly, “Not fully naked, just your upper body.”

“Why?” Ling Mao Er didn’t understand.

“I feel that by casting off the restrictions of man-made products and combining it with your gaze, a clean, lucid image could be created- one that wouldn’t cause people to have improper thoughts. Of course, this is merely my personal suggestion, it’s perfectly fine for you to refuse.”

Ling Mao Er considered it, “It doesn’t really matter, I’m a male anyways.  Even being completely nude is no problem for a dedicated model.”

Mu Mu was very happy, “That isn’t necessary. Today’s shoot will only be from waist up.”

“Has the animal model arrived yet?”

“It has arrived.”

The worker from the cat shelter brought over the cage, lifting out a large cat with alternating black and grey tiger stripes.  Mu Mu, having gotten used to seeing the Siamese, couldn’t adjust to this sudden distinction between the cats.

“Her name is Jia Jia.  She’s a two and a half-year-old female cat, and has a docile temperament,” one of the keeper’s hands supported Jia Jia’s abdomen while the other stroked its fur, “as long as you lift her properly, she won’t struggle.”

She carefully handed the cat to Ling Mao Er, but before he could receive it, Jia Jia used his arm to jump to Mu Mu’s body.  Fortunately, Mu Mu reacted quickly and caught her. Jia Jia successfully sat in the crook of his arms, even the tail hung down, curling back and forth.

The crowd: ……

Mu Mu, “Uh, this, sorry about this……”

He wanted to return Jia Jia to Ling Mao Er, but the cat in question was extremely unwilling, using every opportunity to run towards Mu Mu, constantly meowing when forced to separate.

The animal keeper cold sweats, “I don’t know what’s wrong with her today, could it be that the photographer ate fish this morning?”

“I didn’t eat fish,” Mu Mu was similarly embarrassed, “I’m vegetarian.”

“In that case, teacher might as well come up, I’ll go down to take photos for you guys.” Ling Mao Er quipped with a cynical tone.

“I think I should withdraw first so you can cultivate some feelings with Jia Jia, maybe feed it something.”

“Forget it.”

Ling Mao Er lowered his head and whispered a few words to Jia Jia.  Miraculously, Jia Jia obediently stood still as Ling Mao Er picked it up, no longer trying to run towards Mu Mu.

“How magical!” This was an eye-opener for the animal keeper, “There’s actually someone who can communicate with cats.”

“What did you say to it?” Mu Mu was also curious.

“Didn’t say anything, I’ve merely heard that nipping the ears could increase a cat’s affections, so I gave it a try.”

This is the first time the animal keeper had heard of this, “I’ve only heard that blinking at cats means kisses.”

“You try it then?”

The other declined, “Better not.”

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