forest fires

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important note: I accidentally published chapter 5 incomplete. I did run to edit it immediately after, but just in case, please go back and see if you missed anything. 

❗️❗️ tw: sexual assault by coercion 


"When you know what a man wants you know who he is, and how to move him."


24 ABY, Early Winter

Jedi Temple of Luke Skywalker

Third Person POV

Ben heard his uncle sigh heavily through his nose as he ruffled through the parchments found by Sigyn on Ashas Ree. He looked over his shoulder at Luke; he was hunched over his desk with both his hands bracing the wooden surface. Ben was flipping the Jedi Medallion in his fingers idly at his desk, his scroll long forgotten when his mind wandered off some time ago. He had his long legs propped up as he leaned back in his chair.

"Find anything interesting?" He asked, eyes moving back over to the medallion in his hand.

"Interesting? Yes. Useful? I'm not sure."

Putting his feet down he turned in his seat to look at his Master, "What do you mean?"

Luke turned around with a parchment in his hand, showing it to him. There was a crude drawing of many stick figures with what appeared to be blasters and giant bobble heads. Above them were sketched hands with strings falling from the fingertips. Underneath was scrawled in barely legible handwriting:

A game of clones

Two sides and single player

One wins and all lose

"It's about the Clone Wars," Luke explained before Ben could ask what it meant.

"Odd way to document a huge war," Ben commented, pulling his legs back up on the desk, but kept his head turned to his uncle. "Looks like a youngling drew it."

"Some of the images are better than others," Luke turned and pulled one that appeared to be mostly black. When he unraveled it, there was a realistic portrait of a man with wavy hair that went down to his chin, a thin scar over his eye, a hood over his head, and viper-like eyes.

Ben's throat went dry when he stared at; he felt his heart flutter rapidly as he felt the pull of the portrait's gaze.

He licked his bottom lip, "Is that...?"

"Darth Vader," Luke sighed, falling into his chair after placing the parchment on the desk and allowing it to roll back up on its own. "Before he got all -- y'know."

"So, what does this mean? That the Jedi Master of the Temple of the Force was just some kind of weird fan of the Clone Wars?" Ben wasn't entirely sure why Luke felt this was at all interesting.

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