born in sin

19 1 0

gleipnir   -    glayp-near or layp-near
old norse for 'open one'


My mother told me to never become attached. That, in our line of work, it's a death sentence to care for anyone. That, in her life, everyone who she grew attached to always disappointed her... and the very last time she let that happen, I was born.

I became a bitter reminder of her greatest regret.

I didn't know until it was too late, but that was the greatest advice she has ever given me. If I had listened to her then, I wouldn't be where I am now. In the same place as her; the same place I swore I'd never be.

I swore I'd never be like her.

Pulling the silk sheets over my body, I encased myself in a cocoon, with my back turned towards the nameless man that pulled out his credits and laid it on my dresser. My mind was as numb as my body. He didn't say anything as he left me, but I prefer it that way. I no longer cared. I was used to people walking in and out of my life. I might as well make a job of it.

☢️ tw; sex work, mention of child grooming, emotional abuse, deadbeat parent ☢️

chapter one born in sin

"The price of wisdom is innocence."  

19 ABY, Batuu
Black Spire Outpost, The Whispering Eye
Third person POV. 

"I thought Jedi took a vow of celibacy," Tazhra leaned back in her chair and folded her hands on her knee. Her long caftan sleeves draped around her small body, making her fragile legs disappear under its length.

"How do you know I'm a Jedi?"

Tazhra laughed, her white teeth immaculate and broad, "I was just a child during the Clone Wars, but I know a lightsaber when I see one." Her eyes moved to the man's hip, where she saw the instrument slung on his belt, partially obscured by the robes and overcoat he had on. A peculiar choice of clothing, especially in the humid atmosphere of Batuu.

"Just because I have a lightsaber, doesn't mean I'm a Jedi," the man replied with raised eyebrows.

"I suppose not," she conceded. "But, the Sith are gone, and the last time a force-sensitive warrior came into my humble business, he wasn't so courteous."

The visitor tilted his head at this, "You've had others?"

"The Knights of Ren," The woman nodded, "They blow through Black Spire every couple of years for supplies and to get their dicks wet."

She rolled her eyes at the memory of how the vicious group would shake her establishment down to its bones. Thanks to them, Taz had lost many employees. They would compensate for the loss, but not always. Still, even if the credits were good, it was never good for business when good women flee the establishment after a visit from the Knights, or in some rare cases, die. It always made it even harder to hire warm bodies to replace the cold ones, and in Batuu, there were slim pickings.

G L E I P N I ROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora