After a few minutes of biking, we both finally arrived at the quarry at, 9:56.
We looked straight ahead and saw Stanley, Bill, Ben and Eddie looking down at the water.
We dropped our bikes and walked to them
" Hey assholes! We're here! "
Richie shouted as he took his clothes and shoes off, leaving his boxer on of course.
" You're both a minute late.. "
Stan announced.
" Well at least we're here, aren't we? "
I chuckled as I plopped my bag down and letting my hair down, kicking my shoes off.
" Hey R - RR - Richie, Y/n "
Bill smiled as he looked behind him while
Ben and Stan waved at us.
" Hey guys, morning. "
I said walking up to side.
" M-morning. "
Eddie mumbled.
I smirked with the fact Eddie responded.
" Is Beverly coming? "
Ben questioned us.
" M-M-Maybe, she will. I guess we'll j-just wait
for, awhile. "
Bill stuttered as he turned to Ben's direction.
" Uh Y/n, you swimming with us? "
Stan suddenly blurted out as he asked me.
" Oh, uh yeah, in a bit. Just warming up. "
I smiled nervously looking down at the water.
" Warming up to what?
The sun is literally beaming in front our faces! "
My brother chuckled while he gestured up
to the sun.
" Alright, alright! Give me a break Rich. "
I scoffed as I walked behind a bush to take
the dress off.
" Oh god! Really Y/n?! Behind a bush!? Boy do you make me laugh! "
Indeed, Richie laughed as I easily slipped the clothing off.
I also heard some of them laughing
which didn't help...

I walked out the bush, threw my clothes to my bag.
I then held my towel in front of me,
just enough to cover my chest and lower area.
" Ahahaha, it's soo funny,
I forgot to laugh. "
I scoffed hitting my brother on the head
as I stood between Eddie and Ben.
I glanced a little to Eddie's direction, and saw him with his eyes gazing at me.
" Like the view you're seeing?  "
I chuckled.
He suddenly turned red and was embarrassed to what I said.
" Hey you guys wanna play loogie? "
Richie suggested.
They all nodded as I stepped back a little.
" Gross guys. "
I scoffed making them laugh.
Richie went first, followed by Stanley,
then Bill and Ben.
" Oh my god, so easy, so easy! "
I heard Richie say as they spat.
" Ugh, just gross guys, really. "
I said with disgust while giving an eyeroll,
and all they just chuckled.
They're just great friends aren't they?
All 4 of their loogies hit the water, it was now Eddie's turn and his just hit the ground.
" Oh my god, that was terrible. I win. "
Richie said looking over to Eddie.
" You won? "
Eddie questioned with annoyance.
" Yeah "
" Did you see my loogie? "
Eddie said gesturing his hand to the water.
" That went the farthest! It's by distance. "
My brother said doing the same gesture Eddie was doing.
" Mass. It's always been mass. "
" What the - What is mass?! "
" Who cares how far it goes. It looks how - It matters how cool it looks,
like it's green or juicy and fat. "
Eddie exclaimed as he stuttered.

All I could see in
front of me was Eddie and My
brother arguing and seeing Ben, Stanley and Bill's heads turn left to right. I walked over to Eddie's right and stood there looking down at the water again.
" All right. Who's first. "
Bill said cutting off Richie and Eddie.
Suddenly someone spoke from behind, it was Beverly.
" I'll go! "
She said as she dropped her bike and
took her dress off.

All eyes and heads turned to her.
" Sissies. "
She said smiling while running towards us, and surprisingly jumped off the cliff.
" What the fuck! "
Richie shouted as she leaped off.
We looked down to see her swim back up.
" Oh! Holy shit! We just got showed up by a girl. "
Richie exclaimed.
" Do we have to do that now? "
Stan asked.
" Yes!? "
I heard Eddie announce with annoyance.
" Make that 2 Rich. "
I laughed, dropping my towel and leaping off.
" Holy shit Y/n?! "
Richie screamed.
" Oh- my god. "
I heard Eddie whisper softly.
I jumped backwards making me give them a salut and a wink as I dropped down.
Boy were their faces in awe!
As I hit the water, I swam back up to see Beverly.
" Heyy. "
She smiled.
" Hey, nice move you did up there "
I chuckled.
" Thanks. "
I smiled
" Come on! "
I heard Beverly shout calling the boys down.
Bill jumped down and the others

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