Kushida laughed nervously. "As Rekka explained before she can't feel the heat or the cold because of her condition. Her body heats up the same as everyone else's, but she doesn't sweat so she can't cool down and it causes her to faint quite easily. That's the main risk for her, so if it doesn't involve a lot of moving she's fine." Kiyotaka explained.

"That's good! I also say you two seem close to Horikita." Kushida revealed what she actually wanted to talk about.

"No, I wouldn't say that." Kiyotaka rejected.

"But you two are the only ones she ever talks to!" Kushida retorted.

"Every human needs some kind of human interaction, but I only think that is if you grew up with it or had a need for it, but didn't get any." I added since I noticed people really like making bonds.

"I want to be friends with everyone in school!" Kushida was shaking again, but it was mostly her boobs confusing us. "So I asked Horikita for her contact information, but she turned me down...she said she didn't want to be friends with anyone."

"I think that's just how she is." Kiyotaka shrugged.

"I want to be friends with her!" She jumped forward and grabbed his hand then put it near her boobs. "Won't you help me?"

"How?" I asked. "I like jumping, kicking, just not people, but balls instead."

"That's still people." Kushida informed me.

"Oh, then no." I turned away from her as I sipped more of my milkshake.

"You won't?" She pulled me back by my arm.

Kushida is acting really weird, I think. "Its a new interaction...sure." I nodded.

She then hugged me tightly. "Oh, sorry!" She panicked and let me go.

"I won't break." I took her arm and lifted her up by it shocking her. "I'm weak to heat, but everything else is kind of useless against me like bullets."

"No, they aren't." Kiyotaka retorted making me laugh.

Kushida laughed nervously after I let her go and as the day went by we noticed mostly everyone wasn't paying attention during class and even the teacher didn't seem to care. "Is she waiting for despair to?" I noticed a little grin I normally have on Sae's face when she looks over the class.

Sae left when the bell rang. "This school is too indulgent." Suzune called for our attention again to get a little human interaction, so she doesn't go insane. "Students play around and nap in class, but the teacher never calls them out. Is this really an advanced school run by the government?"

"Real hell is to come? There's always a build-up in books to a good plot twist." I packed everything into my bag.

"Maybe they want to encourage student autonomy." Kiyotaka suggested.

"Perhaps." Suzune didn't even look at him.

"Hey, if you're on your way out, will you come with us?" Kiyotaka asked her.

"What are you after?" She questioned him.

"More interactions with people, if you hang out with us then others will see it's fine to hang out with me." I explained as I went over to her desk while smiling.

"I see. I'm glad you can get straight to the point." Suzune nodded. "But where?"

"You know that cafe in the mall? The one where lots of girls hang out." Kiyotaka asked.

"Why me?" She asked us.

"Me even walking scares people." I explained as I was just being stared at for standing. "And being with just Kiyo won't work since I'm always with him."

Radiators are my only weakness (Classroom of the elite x oc)Where stories live. Discover now