Glad You Came Niathan<3

Start from the beginning


"Okay. Nialler. Let's get away from the Larry sex dungeon and explain a few things to you." Liam said rubbing my back. I pouted and crossed my arms.

"What Li? I just wanna see Nathan." I said softly.

"And you will. Just.. Relax a bit. Hopefully, and for the sake of my sanity, they'll be finished soon. We'll be there in an hiur tops." Liam said. I frowned deeply.

"Liam. I miss my Nathan. I only get to see him so often." I said sadly. He hugged me.

"That would all change if you just told him how you feel." Liam said. I sighed.

"Are you kidding? He doesn't like me. He likes Jay." I said.

"Nialler, come on. You have to see the way he looks at you! It's like he's a lovesick puppy." Liam said. I fumbled with my fingers.

"Really?" I asked. Liam smiled and nodded.


"AND WHAT A MESS THEY'VE MAD UPON MY INNOCENCE NO, LIAM DOESN'T DESERVE THIS! BUT HERE I AM ASKING YOU TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Liam yelled. I couldn't help but laugh hysterically. Liam never swore and this was just too funny. I fell to my knees crying from how funny this was.

"I c-can't breathe Liam! Oh my g-gosh!" I cried out. I grabbed my stomach and rocked back and forth.

(Omfg I just died writing that. ^^^^ XD)

I finally caught my breath and got back up onto my feet. Liam was humming Gotta Be You to himself while he walked in circles. I laughed a few more times. I pulled off my white Supra and chucked it at Larry's door.

"You've been in there for three and a half hours. You were supposed to be gettin dressed and getting out so we can see the guys! I've been patient enough!" I yelled.

"Shut up Niall!" Louis snapped.

"No! You shut up, and get out of the room!" I cried.

"Leave us alone Niall!" Harry yelled. I frowned. Now I feel awful. I just wanna see Nathan. I never ask for anything and now the one time I do, no one wants to help me.

"Come on Liam. Let's go. Where's Zayn?" I asked pulling one of Liam's hands from his ear.

"He left not too long ago. We should have went with him.." Liam said. I nodded.

"Yeah.. Oh well. We'll leave now. Come on." I said. I grabbed Liam's arm and dragged him out of the house. Nathan here I come.


"They should have been here by now!" I cried.

"Calm down. Zayn is on his way, and he said that the boys are following him." Siva said. I sighed. I just want Niall.

"Vas Happenin?!" Zayn cried happily. We all greeted him, and he left a lingering look to Jay. Ooohh! I knew he liked Jay!

"Uhm, Jay, can I talk to you for a minute, privately?" Zayn asked. I nodded my head at Jay. He let a small smirk appear onto his face.

"Yeah, sure." He said. They walked out of the room. Ahh, young love..

"Look Siva. It's finally happening! Jay is growing up before our eyes." I said pretending to wipe a fake tear away from my eye. He just laughed and shook his head.

"So will our little Nathan be growing up tonight too?" He asked. I pursed my lips.

"Hopefully. I really do like Niall loads. But I don't think he feels the same. He's always with Justin. So I think they have a thing going on." I said. I frowned sadly.

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