"Out of where?" Jack questions, "And who's Matron? Look, if Miss Emily's in trouble you'll have to tell Mr Calendar. He'll get the police."

"No." Hetty says, "I know who we're dealing with. Matron's escaped the police once, and she'll do it again."

"Miss Emily could disappear." Emma says, trying to get Jack to help them.

"So, what are you going to do?" asks Jack.

"You cover for Gid for one hour," Hetty says looking at Jack, before turning to Emma and saying, "And you cover for me. That's all I need." Jack still seemed unconvinced.

"Come on Jack," says Emma, "Miss Emily could be in serious danger." Jack looks at her and sighs.

"One hour." he says. Gideon and Hetty then leave the room.

"I hope they'll be alright." Emma says, worried about the outcome of all this.

"I'm sure they'll be fine," Jack says, "but you better get back inside, I don't want Mrs Penhaligon getting mad at you, she's worked up enough."

"Don't want me getting in trouble Jack?" Emma says in a teasing tone, a smile spread across her face.

"Just get inside." Jack says, trying his best not to smile at the girl.

"Alright, alight." Emma says, her hand up in defence, "I'm going." she says turning back and walking inside, still smiling.


Emma was in the kitchen with Agnes when Sheila comes in with a basket of eggs and says, "No muck, and all uncracked."

"I'll send you again." Agnes replies, pleased with Sheilas work, "Cook, eggs!" She shouts as she exits the kitchen and Mrs Penhaligon enters.

"Sheila, Emma have you seen Hetty? She seems to have deserted her post." Mrs Penhaligon says as Emma and Sheila share a look.

"Hetty?" Emma says.

"She is your friend, you must know where she is." Mrs Penhaligon says.

"Sometimes she needs a little time to herself, Mrs Penhaligon." Sheila starts, "She's had such a tragic life."

"Really." Mrs Penhaligon says, unimpressed.

"Her mother worked at the foundling hospital in disguise, you see," Sheila continued as Mrs Penhaligon started putting away handkerchiefs and Agnes walked into the kitchen, curious by the story, "and Hetty was all happy when she was with her, and then she got thrown out. Everything changed. She tried to escape to find her, and she was searching on the streets."

"Never." Agnes says as Emma rests her head on her chin, intrigued by the story. If cook saw them now she would scold them for gossiping.

"Or, she was, until Miss Smith found her. She was a good sort. She tried to smuggle her mother into the foundling hospital to visit, and she managed it."


"And after all that, she still had to see Matron's face every single day." Sheila finishes Hetty's life story.

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