You love me

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So, they kind of kissed. Maybe. Well, Lena was sure that Kara leaned in and just stopped herself because she was watched by all their friends and if that wasn't indication enough, the way Alex looked at both of them certainly confirmed her suspicion.

So, she decided to test her theory. Because before this witch thing, she was a scientist and the curiosity in her mind about this thesis was more than anything else going on. This was more important than a fifth-dimensional imp running around. 

So, as any sane person would, she made a Crazy wall (Pun unintended). She stressed her mins and collected evidence for every one of their Dates, Outings, and Supergirl Save moments. 

Well, it was a huge board. Everything collectively reached two conclusions. Either Kara was in love with her or she was insane.

She decided to test her hypothesis. So, she decided to take help from the most trusted source of information out there. The worldwide web. She searched, “How to Tell if Someone is in Love with You?” and clicked on the first link that popped up. 

“That's it.”

She mumbled to herself and took a note of all the factors she needed to test.

Number 1: They make an effort to Touch you Throughout the Day

When Lena entered the tower that day, Kara pulled her in a strong hug. Then they touched exactly four and a half times during the briefing. (The half time was calculated because Kara attempted to take hold of Lena's hand and then meditation because of people's presence in the room)

She noted it all down and decided to finally pay attention to the briefing. That's when she realized that Kara was looking at her, concerned.

“Is everything okay, Lena?”

“Yes. Everything is fine.”

Then there was that one time when Kara leaned on her shoulder while she was explaining something. Then Kara gently grabbed her wrist to stop her from going into the other room. 

She also took her feet in her lap and gave her a foot massage, because ‘I know you are wearing comfortable shoes now, but I still have the right to spoil my best friend.’ 

Well, all in all, Kara's one-day touching count was 43 and a half. Now, Lena didn't exactly have a numerical figure to compare, but even she knew it was too much.

So, that meant, point number 1 was true.

Number 2: You are the First Person they Share News with

Well, anyone with eyes and basic intellect could tell that Kara always shared whatever she felt with Lena first. But, the hypothesis needed to be tested. As soon as she entered the Tower a very excited Kara pulled her in a hug and she reciprocated with just as much strength.

“Kelly and Alex are adopting a little girl and I am so fucking happy for them!”

Lena squealed with joy at the information and pulled the blonde closer if it was possible.

“That's amazing news! I cannot wait to be the coolest aunt.”

Kara smiled and loosened her hold on the brunette. The next time when she returned to Tower, Lena noticed her eyes searching for someone until they met hers and she beamed.

“We finally extinguished the fire on the Island.”

She announced and everyone let out a collective sigh at the news. Lena nodded at her proudly and she couldn't help but beam from end to end.

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