Chapter 21

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Krist had fallen asleep crying. His head hurts. He woke up and tried to think of a way. But the more he thought, he realised that he can't endanger his friends lives. After seeing Singto's true nature, he is more scared now. How should he behave with him now? He hated him more now. He can't even stay in the same room with him but he has to. He is scared of doing anything.

He got up and took a shower. He felt a little better. He changed his clothes. He was sitting on the bed when he heard a knock.

"Who is it?" Krist aksed

"It's me, Frank. Master Krist, may I come in?" Frank asked


"I wanted to ask what would you like for lunch."

"I don't feel like eating. Go away." Krist said

"Master Singto has ordered us to give you lunch on time. Please Master Krist, what can I bring?" Frank said. He didn't want to anger Singto or Nat.

"I said leave me alone. I don't want to eat anything. Just go!!" Krist yelled

Frank sighed. He was going to knock again but Fred stopped him

"Let him be. Atleast give him some time." He told him

"It's not that easy. Do you want to anger P'Singto and P'Nat?? I don't want to...let me ask again.." Frank said

"He is upset. Let him be. When P'Nat or P'Singto asks we can tell him that Krist refused to eat. They will see what to do. Let's go." Fred said

Frank sighed and went with him. Fred was about to go too but Frank stopped him.

"Where are you going? You are supposed to stay with Krist 24/7. Stay here." Frank said

Fred nodded and stood there. He could hear Krist crying. He really felt bad for him but he couldn't help him. He couldn't risk angering Singto and Nat.

Krist stopped crying and thought of his phone. He searched everywhere but he couldn't find it. He went to the door and asked

"Fred, where's my phone?"

"Sorry, Master Krist, it's not with me." Fred answered

"Stop lying. You must be knowing where my phone is. Please give it to me. I just want to talk to Knot. I have to know he is alright. Please." Krist pleaded

"Sorry, Master Krist but I am saying the truth. Your phone must be with Master Singto." Fred replied

Krist sighed. "Of course, he will keep my phone with him. How can he let me talk to Knot?"

"Fred, can you give me your phone? Please just one call. I will just ask about his health and keep the call. I swear. Please." Krist pleaded

Fred sighed."Sorry, I can't. Master Singto and P'Nat have strictly ordered everyone not to give you phone without Master Singto's permission. I am sorry."

Krist got angry.
"Ohh...ok. Then can you pass on a message to you Master Singto?" He asked

"Yes, I can. What's the message?" Fred asked

"Tell your Master Singto that I won't eat anything nor drink anything till my phone is returned to me. Did you hear me?" Krist yelled

Fred gulped. "Master Krist...."

"Did you hear my message?" Krist asked

"Yes I did...but..."

"Good. Now go and tell him this. And one more thing..." Krist said

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