Fracking Zombies

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Tappan Zee bridge

On the bridge, z's are being run over by a truck with Warren driving it with Garnett in the passenger seat.

Garnett: Whatever you do, don't stop.

Warren: Haha, you think.

Warren runs over the z's with their remains being run over by Addy driving a 1997 Chevrolet Suburban. Behind her is Y/N driving the truck.

Garnett: Go around!

Warren: Ha! Too late!

Warren continues to run over the zombies. Enjoying it too.

Garnett: Nice driving.

Warren laughs in response.

They then exit the bridge and continue on a little more until the truck started to slow down.

Warren: Oh no. No-no. No!

Garnett: What?

Warren: Oh, we're out of gas.

She pulls over followed by the others. She gets out walks to the others.

Addy: Well that was fun.

Warren: Ha-ha. Out of gas.

Warren continues walking while giving Addy a high-five.

Addy: Running on fumes.

She gets to the truck as Jason gets out of it.

Warren: All right. So it looks like you got a flat.

Jason goes to the back of the truck and gets a jack and a wrench.

Mack: Heads up. We got company.

They look back to see two bikers coming by.

Warren: That's right. Keep rolling and we all live to see another day.

The bikers then drive off.

Warren: All right. let's do this quick.

Jason puts the jack in place as Warren starts getting the tire off.

Warren: All right. Doesn't look flat,  but it won't... turn.

Doc: We ran over some fun stuff.

Warren: Okay. Well help me get it off and let's see what's going on.

The two get the tire off to see a zombie stuck in the gears.

Jason: Well that explains the pull to the left.

Murphy: What are you waiting for? Kill it! Kill it!

Warren grabs the wrench.

Warren: All right, you. Time to go home. 

Warren pikes the zombie. The group walks back to see New York.

Warren: Even after all this, this is still beautiful.

Garnett: Take a good look. Might not be back for a while.

Addy: So long New York.

Jason: It's been fun.

Murphy: See ya in the next life.

Murphy walks back to the vehicles followed by everyone else.


Paramus Park Mall, New Jersey

The survivors are now searching each car on a highway. Warren and Garnett are standing on  the roof of one of them looking around.

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