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William pov.

Everything around me was dark. I couldn't even see my hand in front of my eyes. There was nothing but emptiness around me that seemed to engulf me.

I looked around - in every possible direction, but there was nothing but darkness.

I didn't feel anything. Not even gravity, or my heart beating, or my fingers when I move them.

When I was about to give up all remaining hope, I noticed a bright white light coming towards me from the distance. At first, I couldn't see anything because of the brightness, but my eyes soon got used to the light and I could make out a white bird with large majestic wings.

I was so fixated on the glow that I couldn't think of anything else. The light felt warm and calming. Not a cold white light, but one that makes you feel safe and confortable.

After a while I realized that the light was more bluish than white as it got closer to me.

When it was right in front of me, the bird paused. I wanted to touch him. Feel the comforting feeling all over my body and so I reached out my hand and blinked in facination.

When I opened my eyes after a split second, Sherlock was in front of me.

I saw his lips move.

How he smiled at me.

How he made confusing hand movements.

But I couldn't understand anything. It was as if there was a veil between us. A veil that separated me and Sherlock from the outside world. We were so close yet so far.

I didn't want to feel so numb and dull anymore.

I wanted to feel the world out there.

I wanted to feel Sherlock with me.

Immediately after the thought shot through my mind, Sherlock held out his hand invitingly. I wanted to grab it, but the harder I tried, the faster he seemed to be pulling back.

I felt the ground disappear from under my feet and I fell. In one last desperate attempt, I reached out to touch Sherlock, but, as before, I couldn't reach him.

It felt like forever. Sherlock got smaller and smaller to a little point in the distance and soon I didn't see him anymore. I felt alone again. Even more alone than before.

I was surrounded by endless darkness again. All hope was in vain, so I closed my eyes and waited for the Impact of the fall.

But it didn't come.

I waited forever, but nothing happened.

Seconds, minutes, hours, days passed. Maybe even more, but in this place, you have no sense of time. I accepted my fate, even though I was infinitely sad not to be with Sherlock anymore.

Suddenly, however, I could make out a familiar voice calling my name.

"Liam" I heard the echoing voice plead.

"Liam, please wake up!"

"Please Liam for me!"

"I need you! You cannot leave me!"

The voice grew clearer, louder and more desperate. At this point I had only one thing in mind.

I had to reach Sherlock. He's calling for me!

The next thing I noticed was a sense of aliveness. I closed my eyes and used all of my energy to push through the veil.

When I opened my eyes again, I looked up at a white ceiling.

𝐼'𝓂 𝒻𝒶𝓁𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊 || Sherliam OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now