Call a Friend

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"You are unbelievable, Baek Jang Mi!" Tae Gu paces around in the kitchen glaring at the villainous girl sitting on of the kitchen chair. On his left hand, his phone is attached to his ear as he tries to call Jin Ah.

To no avail.

"I'm drunk, maybe that's why I did that." Jang Mi protests weakly.

"Abeoji won't let us to touch the drinks. Don't make up any excuses to get away from this!"

"I swear! I met one of the son of your father's friend and he gave me a bottle, no, two bottles of beer. Do you know beer is sweet, Min Tae Gu?" Jang Mi giggles despite the circumstance.

Now, Tae Gu can see clearly that Jang Mi is not a hundred percent sober. Or she won't be giggling and talking to him like nothing happened. He isn't even sure she'll remember this conversation.

Ugh, if only she is not a girl. She will be on the ground already, he swears.

"Not important! I swear to God, Jang Mi —"

Jang Mi holds up one finger and points at him. "You have moved on, I see. I don't like that she's so pretty."

"That's not a reason to be a bitch, Jang Mi. And I've told you not to touch anything. Don't. Touch. Anything. Which one of those words you don't understand?" Tae Gu continues hurling words towards Jang Mi. Who keeps her position and nods at everything.

Tae Gu sighs. Yelling at her won't change anything. Even if she's sober. What he needs to do is talk to Jin Ah. But she's not answering her phone. And he can't leave. Not yet.

He opts to text Jin Ah first before he does everything else, like calling Chae Yoon to take her best friend home.

Or text Jin Woo if Jin Ah doesn't answer. Although... yeah, maybe not Jin Woo if he doesn't want to get punch or something.

𝗬𝗼𝗼𝗻 𝗝𝗶𝗻 𝗔𝗵, 𝗹𝗲𝘁 𝗺𝗲 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗻. 𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲?

He closes his message window and calls Chae Yoon.

"Hey, you still here? Yeah, I need you to take Jang Mi home. She's drunk. Oh, are you sure her parents are still here? Okay, I'll talk to my mother. Yes, please come here. Thank you, Chae Yoon-ah."

Tae Gu looks at his phone again with longing. His first instinct when he saw Jin Ah ran out of the house was to follow her and explained the situation to her.

That the tin box she gave him was so precious, he slept looking at it for the past several nights. That he didn't show Jang Mi anything. That he didn't even know there was a message note because he was so afraid he'd ruin it he hadn't opened the box yet.

Anyway, he couldn't follow Jin Ah because his parents came to the kitchen out of nowhere and halted everything. He put back on his fake smile while gritting his teeth to tamp down his emotion.

Now, he dials Jin Ah's number again and still it rings and rings without answer. Until the rings stop and change into voicemail message. She turns her phone off.

"I should've never let Jang Mi into my room." He mumbles while still sending daggers to Jang Mi's direction.

Jin Ah must be hurting right now, and if what he feels right now is an indication, then she must've felt it ten folds. Her stricken expression told him everything.

Shit. Intentionally or not, he hurts Jin Ah. And that feels so wrong.

"Tae Gu?" Chae Yoon's voice breaks him from his reverie. He turns around and sees her coming in from the main hall.

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