Mrs Penhaligon and Agnes excited the room with the foundlings as Emma went down stairs to the kitchen to get tea for Mr and Mrs Calendar. After she had served them and then went straight to the library where she knew Master Edwin would be. Mr Calendar thought it was a good idea for Edwin to have some company. So when Emma and Edwin started to become friends Mr Calendar asked Emma to accompany Edwin whenever she could. Of course she said yes and they have been meeting in the library most days ever since . This of course was much to Mrs Penhaligons disliking but Mr Calendar told her if his son was happy then he was happy.


The next day soon came and Emma was sat in the library with Edwin. He had been staring out of the window for a while so Emma stood up and walked over. The new garden boy, Gideon was staring at them both as Jack walked towards him. They seemed to be having a conversation about something. Edwin turned back to the table scattered with papers and books. He then beckoned Emma over but not before she gives a small smile at Jack as he glances her way.

Edwin went on to explain different plants in his book. Emma knew a bit about plants but not to the extent of Edwin or Jack. She much rather reads a book about far of lands, adventures and romance. Anything to feel like she was anyone else, instead of a servant. Edwin always talked about plants with such passion she just had to listen. He would explain each one and knew all the answers to her questions. In a way she felt sorry for him. Mrs Penhaligon never let him out, he had to watch the world from behind a window.

Emma and Edwin were sitting opposite to one another when Gideon came into the library.

"Er... who are you?" Edwin asked, shocked that a garden boy was upstairs.

"I'm Gideon, the new gardener boy. Your Edwin, aren't you?" he inquired.

"Master Edwin, actually," Edwin replied with a matter of fact tone. "And your in here without permission."

"I'm sorry, Master Edwin," Gideon step forward before continuing, "I thought I saw someone run through the house."

"Well it's just us here, as you can see." Emma spoke up.

"I'm not ill, as you've probably been told." Edwin quickly spoke.

"Yes, Master Edwin," Gideon said, "I mean, no..." he quickly corrected himself.

"Don't believe everything you hear. They just prefer me and Emily to be seen and not heard. Or in my case, hardly seen at all. Unless it's Emma." he said as he turned to me.

"I'm sorry," Gideon said as Edwin shook his head. "I saw you both looking out of the window."

Emma quickly perked up, "Edwin use to collect garden specimens."

"Come on, have a look." Edwin said and Gideon approached the table. Edwin then began to show him his findings.


"My stepmother says going out in the damp air could affect my health." Edwin says, as Gideon walks around the room, a drawing of a plant in his hand.

"We were told going outside was good for you. Even when it was raining," Gideon said.

"You'll get a lot of that." Emma said, smiling up at Gideon.

"Master Edwin?" a voice came from behind the library door. Gideon quickly ducked down behind one of the sofas as Mrs Penhaligon enters.

"Yes?" Edwin replied.

"Lunch is ready in the nursery. Constance is waiting for you. Emma will bring you up." she says.

"Yes, Mrs Penhaligon." Emma says standing up. Mrs Penhaligon then leaves the room and closes the door behind her.

"What do I do now?" Gideon questions, still crouches down behind the sofa.

"Quick. Wheel me." Edwin says. Emma then wheels him to the secret door leading to the room next door. Edwin had shown her these secret passages when she first started hanging out with him.

"You can leave with way." Emma says facing Gideon as Edwin opens the door.

"This will take you to the drawing room. See? Secret door," Edwin says as Gideon smiles looking at it. "Perhaps next time you can bring me a specimen"

"Next time, we can collect them ourselves," Gideon says looking down at Edwin. "Of course, you can come to Emma" he says looking at her.

"I'll have to see if I'm busy." she says with a smile.

"See you soon." Edwin says

"Thank you." Gideon then goes through the door.

"Come on then," Emma says turning to Edwin, "Best get you to lunch." After Emma showed Edwin to the nursery, Mrs Penhaligon had asked her to look for Miss Emily as the dress maker was here, only Emily was no where to be found...

"You might think your worst days are behind you. You might think you deserve better than a drudgery of a life downstairs...Calendar Hall might have been a beautiful, grand house, but nothing was how it appeared. Everyone seemed to be hiding something...And just because you think you're safe, it doesn't mean that you are."

a/n I am sorry that this chapter is not that long and nothing really happened in it but the next chapter will be better. I haven't wrote a book before so please comment any tips or ideas you might have. Hope you are enjoying so far.

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