CH19: No worries

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*I just edit. Yes. Enjoy :)

Tommy sit down and starts cry.

Tommy: Is he gonna be okay? If he-If he died?

Ranboo: He is gonna be okay. He didn't die. He is the strongest person.

Tommy: Yeah...But-But my brother-he-he died....after he left me....

Ranboo: ....Dream is stronger brother to you right?

Tommy nods.

Ranboo: Then trust him! If we trust him then he is going to be fine!

Tommy smile at ranboo.

Tommy: Yeah...thank you...

Ranboo: Don't worry tommy....No worries.

Tommy: !


Tommy's big brother: Don't worry tommy. No worries!

He said it with smile.

Young Tommy: But brother! You-You are hurting yourself!

Tommy's big brother: It's fine. I'm fine toms. Now go to your room.

Young tommy run away. He is crying.

Father: You are kind person.

Big Brother: ....

Father: But it is useless front of me!

He hit tommy's big brother...

Young Tommy: I'm-I'm so sorry...

*Flashback END*

Tommy: ....Yeah

Ranboo: What's wrong?

Tommy: It-It's just flashback. It's fine.

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