Maybe We Could...

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"Good morning, Jen." I greeted the receptionist as I walked into the AAC.

"Good morning, love. How are you? I didn't expect to see you today." The kind older woman answered.

"Yea, I wasn't going to come in today but Darren called me and asked if I could put together a layout for an event, we're having next month and wanted to approve of it asap so, here I am!" I said, sounding a little defeated.

"He works you too hard. You should be able to enjoy your days off!" She said, giving me a sympathetic look.

"It's no big deal. I figured I'd get a good bit of it done now, that way I don't have to worry about it too much this week." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Well, then you better get going so you can get out of here as early as possible! Have a good day, hon!" Jen said, giving me a sweet smile.

"Have a good day, Jen!" I said, smiling then turning to leave.

I decided to take the long way to my office and was going over things I wanted to get done today. I was knocked out of my train of thought when I heard skates on ice, along with the sounds of pucks and men yelling. I decided to take a peek and saw the Stars on the ice for their morning skate. I watched for a minute or two before turning and continuing my walk. I was excited that Tyler asked me to go to their game tonight. I really missed going to games and even though I was nervous to go by myself, it was bound to be a lot of fun.

I sent out emails and made some calls with our florist and catering company for the first hour and a half. Then I started to put together a vision board. I did two boards with different color schemes and layouts and I just had to decide which one was the best fit for this event. I decided to call Dylan to come help me pick since he was here, getting some of his work done as well.

"Hey, what's up?" Dylan answered the phone.

"Hey, can you come to my office and help me decide which color scheme and layout we should do for the December event? I have two options and I can't decide which one looks the best." I said, staring at the boards.

"Yea, sure. Give me a second." He said, hanging up.

As I was playing around with some of the different placements on the board, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled. Once I heard the door open, I spoke again. "That was fast, now help me pick! I can't decide if we should do option 1 or option 2!" I asked, still fixated on the project in front of me.

It was silent for a second until I heard a voice that was not Dylan.

"I'm assuming you thought I was someone else but I like option 1."

I turned around and saw Tyler leaning against my desk, smiling.

"You are definitely not Dylan." I laughed. "I was leaning towards option 1 too." I said, smiling.

"I'm happy to help. Let me know if you need my opinion on anything else." Tyler said, smiling at me. "How's your day going?"

"Honestly, it's not too bad. I got a lot done so I might actually get some free time during the week which rarely happens." I said, with a slight laugh.

"That's good." Tyler said.

"How was morning skate?" I asked, walking over to stand in front of him.

"The team was looking good so tonight should be a good game." He said.

"So, what are you doing in my office?" I said, in a joking tone.

"I wanted to drop this off to you. It's a pass that allows you to go down to the locker room after the game. We're hoping to go out after for drinks, and wanted you to come?" Tyler said, handing me the pass, looking at me with hopeful eyes.

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