Well I'm not interested at him at all. Even if his good looking. I don't just look at people's face but their personality as well. That's very important. What's the use of a pretty face if your personality is ugly?

I know a lot of people like that.

"Let's go for our next class! We're gonna be late if we don't hurry!" Miles yelled which broke her thoughts.

Miles pulled on her arms as she drags Ellie with her.

"And whose fault is that?!!" Ellie added as she was pulled by Miles.

"Definately not me." Miles denies as she giggled.


They finished all of their class but at the end of the day both of them were exhausted from moving around the kitchen for hours.

"Ahhh. I'm so tried already. I wanna go home."Miles whined.

"OH." just as Miles bumbs her head in the table she realizes something.

"Let's go to that new cafe that just open yesterday. I heard they have really good stuff there.Since its Saturday tomorrow let's go visit it! It's quite close to the school too." Miles said while having a huge smile on her face.

Ellie smiled at Miles face."Yeah sure. I don't think I have anything I need to do tommorow anyways."

I don't know how the original owner got a friend like her but I'm lucky to have her now.

Miles wasn't mentioned a lot but she's    Ellie's friend since high school.So their really close and has a strong bond.What happens to Miles after Ellie was imprison,wasn't mentioned as well so I didn't know what happen to her after.

Anyway since I'm already here. Why not enjoy the moment right? It's not like I'm gonna die again if I change my ways right?

Students start to exit the room. Ellie and Miles follows up as well.

"See you tomorrow Ellie!" Miles said as she waves goodbye to Ellie and made her way to the other side of the parking lot.

"Okay. Bye!"

Ellie waited in the waiting shed, placed at the sides outside the school.

While waiting there. Some expensive looking car, that is not hers. Stops in front of her.

"Ellie.Come on inside. I'll take you home. I've already informed auntie about it so don't worry."A voiced called as the window of the car in front of her opens. Revealing Luke. Who is looking at her, smiling.

Ellie was so shocked she couldn't move for a minute. But she snap out of it a few moments later to not waste more time and entered the car.

"Um,thank you." she awkwardly says. Not knowing how she should act with him. Though she remembers how the original owner would act with him but she's a different story. She didn't grow up with him, it was the original owner.

"Don't be like that. You used to be so existed whenever I came here to see you. What happened? You don't like me anymore?" he joked.


I didn't expected that he acts like this with Ellie. He really only treated her as a sister to be able to joke like that. His aura changed to. I don't feel the cold icy walls he has anymore.

"I just changed, after all people change right? people changed really fast. You would have even thought it's a different person. Ha.... HaHa."she awkwardly laughed.

"Well that's true. So! how was school? Any boys who's interested in you? Ha, I might have to report that to Edward HAHAHA. After all his baby sister is a big girl now. HAHAHA."

"It was okay I'm enjoying it so far. About boys.... I don't really wanna be in a relationship yet. I want to build my career first before my love life. After all we don't need someone to make us happy right?"

"Right, right. Anyways have you heard  about Charles?His gonna coming back from Russia after 2 years of studying there. His family arrange a welcome home party for him. Are you going? I know  that Charles would really liked it if you can come."

"Charles... ?" Ellie mumbled.

"Yeah. What's wrong?" Luke asked as he look at Ellie.

"Did you guys fought? You seem to be distant with him."

"No. I don't remember ever fighting with him actually."

He stayed silent after that until we finally arrived in front of the gate of my house.

"Welp here we are. I'm afraid I can't go inside this time since I still have a lot to do in the office but ah, just say hi for me to aunty and uncle okay?"

"Okay. Um, thanks again for bringing me home Luke." she smiled.

"It's nothing don't worry about it. But I gotta now okay?"

"Okay. Bye!"

"Bye!" he said as he rolled the windows up.

Oh shot! I forgot to ask when the party will happen.Eh, whatever I'll just ask Edward.

She walked in a slow pace towards the entrance of her house. Just savoring the quite night as she past by.





To be continued.

A/n:So, how do you guys like it so far? if you like it please like or vote as it would mean a lot to me. An extra boost so I would post faster and a lot of chapter ;)

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