1 💚

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"I Just wanna know which one of you heifas ate my damn oreos!" I screamed walking upstairs.
I hate when they eat my shit, knowing that I worked my ass off to buy everything I own.

"Girl shut the fuck up, you be eating everybody else shit! Them damn oreos ain't gonna save your life" momma yelled all the way from her room to my room.

"Ok momma." I groaned
As I'm walking into my bathroom people already texting me. Out of all of them my one of my favorites texted. Who tf this could be? Oh nobody but my damn bestie Ray or Raynesha.
     She's my heart literally I know she like me in a like like way lol. But, I still love her. She really care for me strongly, I just don't wanna deal with her bs. Anyways, let me text my bestie back.

Lol y'all see what I'm talking about? Anyways I'm finna gone head and take a shower and get ready for this damn school

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Lol y'all see what I'm talking about? Anyways I'm finna gone head and take a shower and get ready for this damn school.

(45 minutes later)

I finally finished my hair, it's a silky, smooth, 38In Brazilian straight hair. Purr😝. I finally flat ironed it.
It's feels so good.
     I just wish I had someone who can pull on it while giving me backshots. Boohoo, I'll have to wait till ray get here to do that. Lmaoo, I'm just kidding.
       BOOM, BOOM, BOOM!!!!!!! I grabbed my bookbag and purse that was on the side of my door in my room and ran downstairs opening the door seeing Ray smiling so damn hard with them grills.
    Gosh, she so damn fine.
She Grabbed me for a hug, then came in and shut the door behind me.

     "Where Momma at guh?" She said slight pushing me smiling.

     "She upstairs in her room, she just woke up though like an hour ago though. So I think she just getting out the shower." I told her, while trying manage my heavy ass bookbag and purse together.

      "Perfect timing." She smirked

     "Bitch, cmon I'm ready to go." I pushed her "These damn bags hurting my damn shoulder" I rolled my eyes at her, knowing this shit hurts and she doing ts on purpose.

       "Ok, lil girl" she giggled.
We walked out the door, she opened my door for me so I can sit in the passenger side. & she finally got in starting the car finna drive off.
      Ray puts one hand on my thigh and other on the wheel driving.
She looks so sexy doing that, ugh I told myself I wasn't gonna go down the rainbow road but got dammit I might!

~At school, 15 minutes later~

We walked out the car grabbing our stuff. As we walking into the school building ray wraps her hands around my waist. "Mmm, you smell good" She smiled.
       We continue to walk to the auditorium so we can wait till the bell rings. Once we get in I felt somebody staring at me so strong. I turned around and it was the Kentrell. He always staring at me, but never wanna come up to me and talk to me. Sounds like a pussy to me huh? Right lmaoo.

        "Ray, Kentrell keeps looking at me." I warned her "I think he wanna FUCKKKK MEE" I screamed outloud. Everybody looked at me like I was crazy. Like hoe i can say what the fuck I want tf!!

       " Girl, shut the fuck up." Ray, flinched at me " and quit cussing, before I take you back home and beat yo ass" She grabbed me by the arm roughly taking me to the girls bathroom that was right down the hall from the auditorium.

      Once, we got in the bathroom. Ray, pushed me into the wall and started kissing me roughly. Of course, I kissed back tf! As she kissing me her hands traveled down to my Golden area *Pussy*
When I tell yall I'm wet, I meant ts straight facts.

" Damn, ma you wet asf" She smirked at me. Releasing the kiss. She finally stops touching me and walked out the bathroom.
Got damn, what the fuck just happened back there.
       Lmaoo, I'm telling yall we just bestfriends before yall start assuming shit.
      While, I'm in first period Study Hall. I realized somebody called me and text me and it was Kentrell. Mhm. I wonder what he want.

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I think I should go with him lmaoo

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I think I should go with him lmaoo. I continued playing on my phone until study hall was over.

- lunch time-

     I walked into the cafeteria with Ray I noticed eveybody looking at us. "Boo, The fuck take a picture it will last longer." I mugged.
       We walked to the lunch line and got us a sub with just ham and cheese and flatbread. The usual you know . Sitting down by Ray at the table, Kentrell walks up to us sitting down with his friends ben, Quando, three & the other ones.
     "Hey, y'all." Kentrell said sitting beside me.

Meeting time🤞🏾:

How Y'all Liking it so far? 😭 I got so many more chapters to put out for y'all 🤞🏾. It's like my first book I wrote y'all lmaoo.
How was Thanksgiving btw💚?

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