Hearing the ambulance just arrived, I stood up and made way for them to properly assist her. Exhaling a breath, looking down seeing blood on the gloves, removing and discarding it to the bin.

Is the coffee shop the new operating room?

Smiling at my thought, shaking my head as James approached me together with Coulson, noticing James standing in front of me, raising my eyebrow and tilting my head to the side.

"Looks like someone is going to be famous tonight." James said, teasingly, furrowing my eyebrows as he signaled his head, peeping my head on his shoulders, understanding why he was standing in front of me.

Everyone was taking a picture and video of me, "Shit." I mumbled, rubbing my temples, "What you did back there was amazing." Coulson said, smiling at me.

Smiling back at him, "I did what's best for her." I replied, "I'm Phil Coulson." He said, reaching out his hand, accepting it, "Rivia Jones." I said, introducing myself.

A medic approached me, earning our attention, "Are you the one who performed the tracheostomy?" He asked as I nodded my head.

"She would be dead by now if you didn't do that." He said, "I saw the food that got lodged in her throat. You have to remove that first and change the tube. Disinfect the wounds and she'll be alright." I said as he nodded his head.

"Who are you? Are you a doctor?" He asked, "Surgeon." I simply replied and he left.

"What you did back there was pretty amazing." James said, laughing at him, "Quoting your boss now?" I asked, earning a laugh from him as we walked around the amusement park.

Amusement parks have always been a fascinating place for me. The atmosphere created by all of the visitors is very lively. Music can be heard in the background from live concerts.

All different kinds of smells are in the air, from the overly priced food stores to the quacking ducks swimming in the ponds. Lights flash all over the place from carnival games that seem hopeless of victory.

Later on, James waved at someone, laughing seeing who they were. Fergus and Ian raced towards us as Ian reached me first scoping me and he began to spin around.

Squealing as I tightly hold onto him, after a few seconds, Ian stopped putting me down as my whole world spins, making me dizzy, holding my head as Fergus grasps my arm, James smacks Ian hearing him hiss.

"Dumbass." James said as Fergus continued to hold me steady, closing my eyes, "I'm sorry, Via. I was just excited to see you and be here inside the park." He said, opening and blinking my eyes, shaking my head as everything eventually stopped spinning.

"It's okay." I said, smiling at him as Ian draped his arm on my shoulder, "She said she's okay. Now, let's begin our journey." Ian said, pointing at the first ride he wants, earning a laugh from me.

"Aye, aye, captain." I replied, "I can't hear you." He said as I tiptoed and leaned towards his ear, "AYE, AYE, CAPTAIN!" I shouted as he jolted away, holding his ear and hissing in pain.

Fergus and James bursted in laughter as I soon joined them with Ian giving me a playful glare, "Come here." He said as my eyes widened and ran behind James.

Patting Ian's back as he was vomiting, "I didn't know you're such a weakling." I said, teasingly as he looked up at me, giving him a handkerchief as he accepted it and wiped his mouth.

Helping him sit on the bench, Fergus and James arrived as Fergus handed the bottle of water to Ian, accepting it and drinking, James gave me a corndog and a smoothie, saying my thanks as he sat beside me.

"Who's the tough one now?" Fergus asked, chuckling at them as Ian threw the empty bottle to him, munching the food as I roamed my eyes around.

Suddenly feeling chills and goosebumps all over my body, wandering my eyes around, "Via, what's wrong?" James asked, earning the attention of the other two.

"I suddenly felt chills and goosebumps like someone was watching me." I replied as the three of them instantly became alert and cautious.

James looked at them, nodding his head as Fergus and Ian nodded their heads back, "Act like you felt nothing." He said as I nodded my head and continued to eat my food.

"We have to go now." He added as James and I stood up, Fergus helped Ian stand up and we began to walk around.

"I've been feeling like someone is watching me for the past few days." I mumbled, only loud enough to let the three of them hear, "Why didn't you say it to us?" Fergus asked, "I'm not even sure if there's really someone watching me." I replied, "Now you do." Ian said as Fergus let him go and Ian stood up straight.

Noticing a man intently looking at us, "Yeah. I'm sure now." I said, "Two o'clock." I simply said as they discreetly looked over.

Fergus and Ian laughed, "He's so obvious." Fergus said, "Amateur." Ian commented, "Continue to act like we know nothing, we'll corner and interrogate him." James said, seeing Fergus and Ian smirked, excitement and mischief in their eyes.

Giggling at them as we walked around, the man continued to follow us as we played some more games, rode some rides, and won more prizes.

Holding the giant teddy bear that Fergus won from the shooting game, it's so fluffy and soft that I can't help not to hug it.

"How about asking that man now?" James said as Fergus and Ian rapidly nodded their heads, "I'm coming." I said, earning disapproval looks from them, "No." they answered in unison.

"I'm coming and it's final." I said, raising my eyebrow, James sighed and looked at me, "Fine, but if the moment the situation comes south, you'll teleport right away." He said as I nodded my head.

As if, I'll do that and leave any of you.

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