Chapter 24

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It seemed all of Tarth was abuzz with activity, it was now only days until the marriage of the daughter of Evenfall to the Lion of Lannister was to be celebrated. The numerous servants who attended the family of the Evenstar scurried about seeing to not only his orders, but also those of the groom's brother, and several of the couple's fellow small council members. Lord Selwyn saw personally to every detail, while Lord Tyrion eagerly added his opinions and preferences to the arrangements. Even the Sers Bronn and Davos, as well as Grand Maester Tarly engaged in lively debates as to the specifics of the nuptials.

Lost in their own world, and absorbed with more immediate concerns, the bride and groom took the chaos in stride. They found amusement in the anxious pandemonium that surrounded them, and felt themselves blessed by the caring of their families and friends. As Brienne's sickness worsened, Jaime spent the time caring attentively for her, despite her objections that there was no need.

"It is nothing extraordinary." Brienne smiled thoughtfully at Jaime from her seat on their thick quilted mattress where he insisted she spend most of the day. He held her hand gently and attempted to coerce her to agree to take a light bowl of broth. Brienne grimaced and refused it. "I suffer no greater ailment than when Galladon grew within me." Brienne assured him. Her loving gaze traveling to the cradle beside the bed where their first son sat, entertaining himself with one of the many toys his grandfather and uncle had presented him. "My predicament is no different than any other woman who carries a child." She assured her worried betrothed.

"Of course it is different." Jaime exclaimed, his eyes wide and astonished as he stared at her. "None of them carry my child." He asserted. "None of them are the one I adore." Jaime nuzzled Brienne's cheek and smoothed back her hair.

Brienne lowered her eyes with an understanding sigh. "Surely you have better things to do than care for me all day." She grinned sweetly.

"That is all I wish to do." He brought her fingers to his lips.

"I am sure my father and your brother could use your assistance with all of the last miute details." She chuckled, imagining those scurrying about the floors below them.

Jaime smiled knowingly at her in return. "Lord Selwyn, and Tyrion have everything well in hand." He assured her. "There is little for me to do." He nodded. "You will walk down the aisle to me, amidst a flourish of ceremony." He laughed.

Brienne's brow furrowed a bit, and her cheeks reddened with the anticipation of being the bride she never imagined she would become. "With all eyes upon me." Brienne studied her fidgeting hands nervously.

Jaime settled closer to her and held her hand tighter. "If it were simply my choice, I would take you before the Septon and marry you this hour." He declared. "In my heart we have been man and wife since those days we trudged through the Riverlands to Kings Landing together." His eyes sparkled with the memory. "However, you My Dear, deserve a lavish wedding." He brought his forehead to hers, at the loving regard in which she beheld him. "And I..." He added. "Deserve to finally show off my beautiful bride." He told her, pride beaming upon his face.

"Well then," Brienne simpered in response. "Far be it from me to disappoint the great Jaime Lannister." She laughed, leaning into him.

"Now, that is more like it." He jested in amusement, accepting her surrender, before laying a passionate kiss upon her lips.

Suddenly, Brienne felt her most recent wave of nausea beginning to lift. She glanced beside her to ensure that Galladon was otherwise occupied. Satisfied that she and Jaime did not hold the center of their child's attention, Brienne leaned back onto the pillows invitingly and sent a hearty wanting look in Jaime's direction. He stretched himself atop her luscious form, careful not to rest his full weight upon her belly, and sank into the sheets beside her. Brienne coyly spread open her legs with a lustful sigh, ready to welcome him to her. Jaime understood the notions her body expressed, and was more than willing to accommodate Brienne's desires. Their kiss deepened, as their arousal grew. He slid his probing fingers around her waist, searching for the ties of her dressing gown. She arched her back in response, and began to work the buckles of his gambeson, anticipating the feel of his skin next to hers.

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