Chapter 3

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Brienne sat comfortably by the hearth in her chamber, Galladon dozing lazily at her breast. The babe's stomach was full, and his heart was happy. His mother's thoughts were blissfully content as she regarded her precious son, the expression she wore as joyful as that of her child. Brienne could feel the tension leaving her body, as a peaceful fulfillment began to settle over her. It had been a long and busy day. Time had been spent training recruits, seeing to the inventory of the armory, and guarding Queen Sansa as she went about her full schedule of duties. Brienne had been late returning to her son. She had found him hungry and fussing for her attentions. Her own body was begging for the relief of his nursing. They were both eager and eased to settle together for their usual quiet evening routine.

Brienne's mind had wondered to the pure sweet thoughts of motherhood, when a soft rapping sounded on the panel of her door. Roused from her imaginings, Brienne pulled the smock she wore around herself, and lifted her babe into her grasp. She crossed the room to answer the knocking. Brienne opened the entry to her quarters only wide enough to peer out at whomever it was calling upon her. She was surprised and a bit worried to find Queen Sansa standing patiently on the other side.

"Your Grace?" Brienne gasped, worried that something was wrong. "What can I do for you?" She questioned, unable to keep the concern from her voice.

Sansa smiled warmly, and held up her hand to quell Brienne's fears. "Please forgive my intrusion." Her eyes traveled to the babe sleeping in her sworn sword's arms. Her gaze grew more affectionate watching the child. "I did not mean to alarm you, or to trouble you. There is nothing amiss." She assured Brienne. "Might I speak with you?" She asked pleasantly.

"Of course." Brienne answered dutifully. "Please come in." She stood back, allowing Sansa entrance to her chamber.

Sansa strode respectfully to the hearth and studied the glowing embers as Brienne closed the door, and adjusted Galladon in her arms. She waited at a proper distance for Sansa to begin. The Queen turned slowly, and although she wore a brave face, Brienne sensed an almost nervous reluctance within the young woman. Sansa held her own hands tightly in front of her, attempting not to allow them to tremble in nervousness. She feared how Brienne would take the news she had to impart.

Brienne cleared her throat to end the awkward silence, and motioned toward the chair next to the warm hearth where she had sat nursing her drowsing babe only a few moments before. "Would you care to sit, My Queen?" She offered.

Sansa gave a relieved chuckle, happy that the conversation had at least begun. She shook her head in grateful refusal. "Brienne." She cast her eyes down bashfully. "You are the new mother. I am sure you are far more weary than I." Her unneeded concern, brought a polite laugh to Brienne's throat.

"I am quite well, Your Grace." Brienne assured her. "Thank you for your concern, but please, I insist." Brienne motioned again toward the cozy seat.

"Very well." Sansa smiled widely. "On one condition." She halted. Brienne raised a ready eyebrow eager to meet any need her ruler might present.

Sansa relaxed, instantly taking on a more casual demeanor. "May I hold him?" She begged, gazing lovingly at the tiny babe in his mother's arms.

Brienne grinned proudly. "I would trust no other." She agreed.

Sansa settled onto the cushion, as Brienne gently laid her son into The Queen's arms. The babe cooed and nestled into Sansa's warm embrace, as her soft eyes washed over the tiny infant. "You have been greatly blessed." Sansa told Brienne without taking her admiring stare from Galladon.

Brienne could not hide the maternal pride she felt at Sansa's praise of her precious child. She nodded her concurrence, and wanted to beam with glee. However, she had never been one for accepting compliments with self-congratulations. Brienne was very aware that it had been Sansa's generosity and kindness that had allowed her and her child to remain safe at Winterfell. She also understood that The Queen in the North held very little hope of ever having a child of her own, or even marrying at all. Sansa had been through too much and trusted very little. Brienne had seen the young girl staring wistfully at her swelling middle as she had grown large with her babe. She feared that an overly glowing reaction to The Queen's words would seem bragging and arrogant, and she would not have pained Sansa for anything. She wished, most of all, to convey her gratitude.

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