Chapter 15

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A/N y'all are in for a treat, read it to the end you horny freaky little fucks.

I'm looking for someone to proofread chapters before I publish them, that way I don't have to keep going back to edit. If you are interested please message me privately. Thanks!

Also this is a parody of that scene from Twitter, please don't take any of this seriously, it's literally just a fanfic ^-^

You were currently laying on Millie's couch, watching a television program about a bunch of sex workers in the lust ring compete for the what was essentially the title of "Stripper Of The Year".

One of the girls, who had striking purple hair that contrasted with her deep burgundy skin was talking about how her boyfriend left her because she had kids, so she killed her kids so her boyfriend would come back, and he didn't.

This is how the scene went:

The judge was in the front in an aquamarine bodysuit with slits cut into it, staring into everyone's eyes seriously as she said "I expect you all to understand that this opportunity, it could change your life. You can get out the gutter..."

The woman in question wiped her tears and sniffled, making everyone look at her.

The judge asked in a very matter-of-fact tone (so much so that it seemed more like a statement than a question) "Are you crying?".

The dark haired demon, Leia, nodded her head as everyone but the judge stepped away from her.

"Why...why are you crying?" the judge asked, looking semi grossed out by the tears.

"What you said, it just really hit home for me..." Leia responded, trying to choke out her words.

"Step out for me." The judge asked, which she obliged to.

"Alright, what happened." The judge asked again, pressuring her to give a full answer.

"I-I was just saying that the gutter is a rough place. And you gotta do anything and everything to make it. Every situation..." Everyone was nodding along, agreeing silently to what she was saying.

You, Moxxie, and Millie were chewing on your popcorn, waiting for what she was going to say next.

"Y'know, like killing your twins. You feel me? To better yourself because a dude wanna leave you..." the judge had cut her off at that point.

"You just murdered your kids? Twins? How old?" The judge asked again to clarify.

"16 Years..." she answered back painfully even though you all noticed her eyes were dry. She was pretending to be sad for pity points.

All three of you had your jaws on the floor, wordless from what had just come out her mouth. Not because murder was wrong, this is hell for crying out loud?! It was just the way she said it...

And the next line had you all done for.

"Damn," A lone voice from inside the crowd of contestants said.

"Double Homicide" He finished, looking up over his glasses to the girl who stood in the center.

You and Millie were hooting and hollering at what he just said, while Moxxie still had his jaw on the floor.

"W-who would say that?" you tried to get out, rolling on the floor as you laughed painfully hard. Moxxie was wincing, feeling sorry for Leia as he processed the rude comment. Millie was trying to get a popcorn kernel out her nose since she inhaled it when she went to laugh at how outrageous the situation was.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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