Chapter 7

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Hey y'all :)) ya author is on vacation so updates may be slow, expect a chapter or two before September. Also, after reading this is kind of filler ngl.

Also, Thombathy is pronounced Tomb-athy.

As the first round began, you sat along side the other nominees which were off to the right of the stage (left of the crowd). You were fourth in line to go, and the person who was first was Lil Jamie.

"Alright Little Jamie, y'know how this works. Spin tha wheel and a person from tha crowd will be selected. It's your job ta hate on 'em tha best that you can. You got a minute and 30 seconds. Ya ready?" He asked the young girl, who just nodded and walked up to the wheel where she grabbed on the pull bar and yanked it as hard as her little arms could manage.

The wheel began to spin fast before it slowed down, and the person it landed on was....

"Striker, do we have a Striker?" Thombathy asked.

"Oh fuck, here we go..." you muttered to yourself.

He ascended the stair case before sitting on a chair to the right, his arms crossed and his brows furrowed in irritatation. Jamie walked up to the mic, clearing her throat, nervous (as most kids would be to speak) she took a deep breath before completely ripping into this man. She spoke pretty well for a kid but most of it was just curses, and if this wasn't hell the whole thing would worthy or being a bleeped out string of curses. You were impressed, for a kid she did well enough to get her a good amount of points.

Striker just stared at the kid, not knowing what to say. He couldn't just threaten them, they were a kid and they were competing for the same title as you. You'd probably be pissed if he spoke up and messed with the kid, who wasn't doing too bad for her age. So instead he swallowed his pride (though his irritation showed in the way his tail rattled lowly).

Just as the buzzer sounded, she smiled and skipped back to her seat. Striker was glaring directly at you, but you just smiled nervously at the man before mouthing "Sorry". He ignored you and returned back to his seat. Yeah, you owed him one.

"Next is Juan from tha northeast, ladies and gentlemen give it up fa' Juan!" The room once again erupted in cheers as the tall lanky man grabbed the same pulley as early and spun it. This time it landed on a woman with pink tips to her hair named "Elizabitch" with a matching pink dress. Sis was turning heads, like this fit was giving. She had perfect makeup, outfit, everything.

'Yeah, he's gonna have a hard time. Unless he knows her already then he's fucked.' You thought, bouncing your knee.

As he began he made a few jabs, but soon ran out of material. She was a hard person to make fun of, she looked like a fucking Victoria's Secret model. Soon the buzzer came and he didn't make nearly as many hateful remarks as he needed to get a good score.

As Broomhilda went, she spun and an older man was selected named "Thurgood.". Everyone knew Thurgood, why? Because genital herpes, that's why. Everyone knew he had them and he essentially man whored his way around in an attempt to have as much sex as possible because well...drugs warps your worldview sometimes, kids. And most people in the room hated him because he had herpes and told NO ONE he had sex with. Half the room was probably victim to him, actually.

Broomhilda tore him a new one, comparing him to a withered barnacle-covered boat, she even said he collected diseases like it was Pokémon, it was essentially a verbal massacre.

"Wow! Broomhilda starting off strong. Next we have tha beautiful and lovely, y/n! Come on girl, spin tha wheel!" He laughed, tossing you a playful wink. You sashayed over to wheel, taking your hand and spinning the wheel as hard as you can.

"Lillique! Please stand over here..." he said, gesturing to the last contestant.

"What? You can't possible expect me to go!" She spat gaudily, you stood at the podium, yawning as the woman argued with the host. You could tell everyone was getting tired of her antics.

"Lillique, if you don't participate you'll be disqualified." He said casually. The woman stared in disbelief, clutching her pearls.

"Dumb pieces of..." she grumbled curses before sitting down at the chair opposite side to where the other contestants sat.

Just as she sat the buzzer rang and you began your verbal assault.

"Lillique, I know you don't like me but that's okay. Because instead of stooping to your level I'm going to rise above and tell you something ya haven't heard your whole life, "you look good". Yes, you look good despite your ill fitting dress I saw across the street for a dollar and 99 cent, or your open toed shoes that expose your disgusting calloused feet." You said sweetly, staring her directly in her eyes. She tried to look like what you were saying wasn't bothering her but from her eyes diverting away from yours you figured it was reaching.

"Y'know what? I bet you took that same cane you use to walk around with and beat that poor animal around your neck to death with it, you disgusting old hag. Maybe it's because I was raised by taxidermists but I can still smell dead animal asshole radiating off of you." He continued, resting your elbow on the podium and leaning.

"Despite you hating me I think about you a lot, especially when I'm at the bus stop or when I see pig shit on the farm." You said, smiling at the woman who scowled at you.

"And even if ya are one of tha most rude, nasty, disgusting demons I know, that all can stop today! For example, you can kill yourself." You finished, before glancing at the timer, you still had time left.

"Earlier, while you were talking ta one of your crotch goblins, I heard you started a business where you sold burgers. Which doesn't make any sense because your grill is fucked..." you trailed off, pointing at your teeth and scrunching up your face to make emphasis of this.

"Lillique, my only hang up is this—you always talk shit but you aren't really about shit. I win this award over and over again, and you haven't even gotten one win. The results to me say that you suck, you're awful, and frankly can't do anything right besides get dick from the back." You leaned in more as the woman looked two seconds away from snatching you up.

"So listen here you trifling rag tag good for nothing skank, if you're feeling froggy, I suggest you leap." Just then the buzzer rang again and you smiled as you returned to your seat. The room was in utter shock, you completely decimated her.

"Um...Wow...okay umm... Lillique you're up." He said, gesturing for the woman to get up on the podium. She was still fuming from your vicious insults.

She spun the wheel and the person selected was a young boy named Icar. He looked like what you imagined the demons on r/incel looked like (yes, hell has Reddit and over half the people on Reddit live in hell).

He walked up and the timer began, and Lillique was bombing because this kid had a comeback for everything she said, and instead of addressing the comeback she moved on. It was honestly sad to see, it would be if you cared about her.

The buzzer sounded and she grumbled, walking to her seat as the judges shook their heads at her performance.

"In ten minutes, we'll hear everyone's speech! So get ready!" Thombathy announced.

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