Jealousy (Sam Winchester)

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Its been about three years since i moved him with Sam and Dean Winchester after they saved me from a wraith, they started to train me to be a hunter like them. I picked up some things better quickly. I was just seventeen when i moved in with them, now im twenty. I became an adult and they re both aware of that. Except sometimes, they re a bit too overprotective. I know it's cause they care but sometimes its really annoying especially when im trying to get laid. Although, i wish i could have Sam. I always had a thing for him but due to my age i never said anything, now that im an adult i wish things could change. Sam got back with Ruby recently so i guess my chance is gone....

Dean is as pissed off as me that Sam got back with Ruby. Dean is afraid that she might get him addicted to demon blood again. Eileen blocked Sam. Im also worried but jealous. I was there all along. Through and through and Sam goes to her?! Im trying as much as i can but i cant be friendly to her. I always give snarky comments and im being rude. Getting out of my thoughts, i realize that im staring at a picture of me and Sam from a year ago after i killed my first vampire. I hear knocking on my door. Dean opens the door :" Hey Sage. You wanna go out in a bar? Its quiet no hunts. I feel like getting out would help you get your mind off the Ruby thing." Dean knows that i have feelings for his brother. "Will the bitch be there?" Dean nods. I roll my eyes. Dean looking through my drawers and throws me a short skin tight dress "Get dressed. We re leaving in 20" he closes the door.

20 minutes later. Im in the car riding shotgun and Sam and Ruby are in the back kissing and whispering sweet nothings to each other. Ruby then starts a full makeout session with Sam. Dean too focused on the road to see it, i say pretty loudly " get a room no one needs to see that" Ruby stops looks at me and says" What the little girl is jealous?" I ignore her my blood boiling. Arrived at the bar, im the first one to get out of the car. I can hear the boys talk. " What is Sages problem?" Ruby joins me outside. I ignore her typing on my phone. "Sages problem is your demon bitch. She attacking Sage. Verbally. Its matter of time before Sage kills her." "Why would Ruby attack Sage?" "Ask yourself the question cowboy!" We all get in the bar. Sam and Ruby cuddling in a booth. Dean orders alcohol. Im in the bathroom trying to calm down. I always have my demon blade on me in case the bitch pushes me too far. I wont hesitate. Dean would even approve me doing it. I get out. Bump into a handsome guy. He says "Hey sexy. " i start flirting with him with Dean and Sam glaring at me.

Dean spending his time to flirt with any piece of meat he can get his paws on. Sam and Ruby being all lovey dovey. Gross. And me with the guy. Trevor. Im obviously not into Trevor i just want to get my mind off of Sam. Its getting me insane. Trevor pushes me against the wall. We start making out. Dean cheering me on. Sam glaring at me. Ruby just doing her own thing. Trevor groping my ass. He then asks" Wanna get out here princess?" Dean runs over grabs Trevor by the collar and says" Okay buddy enough. They would've proposed if they wanted to. " he looks at me "Time to go home" I follow Dean leaving Trevor in pure confusion. Getting in the car, Ruby says "aww not even a gross drunk wants you thats sad." She looks at Sam and kisses him. Drunk and mad, i burst. I scream " you fucking bitch!" I punch her. She laughs. I grab my blade from my boot. Sam steps back. Ruby jumps on me. Pinned to the ground, i slash her face with my blade. She winces. Dean grabs her getting her away from me. Dean looks at Ruby" Alright bitch. Time to go. " Ruby wiping the blood off her face " Why would i leave? Sage needs to leave" Dean pushes her and scream "LEAVE!" Ruby leaves. Sam "Why the fuck did you attack Ruby ?" "She started it Sam. Be lucky Dean stopped me or she would've been dead." Dean nods. Sam riding shotgun now and me in the back.

Once returned to the bunker, i go straight to my room and slam the door. Dean looks at Sam "I dont want Ruby around Sage anymore. Sage is a fellow hunter. Ruby is problems." Sam responds "Dean !" Dean leaves. I hear knocking on my door. Dean enters and close the door. "I told her Sam to get his demon bitch away from you" i thank him he leaves. A few days pass by, we just finished a hunt involving a Shapeshifter. Dean gone for a supply run, im alone with Sam. Sam opens the door of my room and says" Look Sage. Im sorry that Ruby was being mean to you. I didnt know. Dean told me everything. To be honest i think she s jealous because you and me are closer. You re more beautiful than her. She sees the way i look at you and she dosent like it." I look up to him and shrugs. He continues "Look ill be more careful. I do think that things wont last with Ruby." I hide a smile. He closes my door.

Sam Winchester/Jared Padalecki Smut (one shot stories) Where stories live. Discover now