The Secret (Jared Padalecki)

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A/N : This is a dream i had and remembered. I glamorized some things to make it better.

Warnings : Discussion about Open relationships. Alcohol use and talk about abuse. 18+ plzz

Characters :
Sage (me)
Sam (bestfriend/baby daddy)

After a year of saving up, Sam and i are finally going to the Toronto Supernatural Convention its right in time for my 21st birthday too. We made some arrangements for our daughter to be with my mom and grandmother got our plane tickets and we re on our way. I packed outfits amongst other necessities. On the airplane ride to Toronto, Sam looks at me "Sage. Since its your birthday soon i got you a photo op with Jared." I look at him smiling i thank him "Oh my god thank you. But what about you? We said we would both get a photo op with Baby. Not actors." "Sage its your birthday gift. I had to. " Happy and nervous at the same time ; I always had a massive crush on Jared and this is a big deal for me. Especially with Covid over meaning i will get to be close from him hopefully even get a hug.

Arrived at the hotel, we put our stuff in our room and relax.

{The next day}

I get up super happy knowing my photo op with Jared is this afternoon. I get dressed in the outfit i brought put on makeup and head downstairs with Sam.

Watching the Jensen and Jared panel, my phone vibrates. Its my father. Him and i never had the best relationship and he s often mean with me. I ignore it focusing on Jared and Jensen. The panel over, Sam and i go outside to take some fresh air. Sam lights a cigarette. I get a phone call. My dad. Feeling its not gonna be a fun phone call i head to the back of the building. I answer. My dad "Why the fuck is your kid with your mom for almost four days? Where the fuck are you?" "I-im in Toronto theres this Supernatural Convention and its my birthday gift." "Really again with that shit? You re not a kid anymore!" He keeps going on insulting me for being at a convention and so on. I eventually hang up the phone and starts to cry. Suddenly, the door behind me opens and Jared comes out. He looks at me up and down with a concerned look on his face. He walks up to me "Hey are you alright? I saw you during the panel you seemed to be having a good time." I look up and lock eyes with him my makeup running down my face. "Yeah i did have a good time. My dad is mean with me and he just spent ten minutes insulting me for being here while its my birthday gift." Jared looks at me with his perfect hazel eyes "What a jerk! Its your birthday gift. " He hold out his hand to help me get up. I take his hand and he gives me a warm hug. His hug feels so comfortable and reassuring. Never felt this safe in someone's arms.

Jared, now holding my shoulders, "What's your name?" "Sage." "Well its nice to meet you Sage" i smile. He wipes my tears with his thumb. I feel so warm and the warmth is going towards my face. Im trying my hardest not to turn red. Jared clears his throat "did you come here alone?" "No i came here with my daughter s dad. We re broken up but we re bestfriends. " "Oh okay. Where is he?" "He s at the front of the building having a cigarette." "Lets go see him" on our way to meet Sam, me and Jared are just talking about casual stuff and the show. Turning around the corner, i see Sam and Jensen laughing together. We go up to them and Jensen looks at me seeing my smudged makeup "Hey sweetheart you ok?" Jared answers for me "Yeah S-" Sam mouths to Jared my pronouns. "They were crying cause of their dad. He was being a total jerk." Jensen looks at me and gives me a hug and kisses my head "Aw he is a total jerk i agree. Dont let him spoil your fun."

After a few minutes discussing, Jensen and Jared look at us and say "can we see your tickets? " we show them and Jared looks at me and say "oh you got a photo op with me?" I nod and smile shyly. Sam "Yeah its their birthday gift from me" Jared smiles. Jensen says " I know you guys got photos op with the car and Sage got one with Jared but yall wanna take pictures with us for fun?" We smile and nod happy. Jensen grabs his phone and takes a picture of all four of us. Sam takes one with his phone too. He says "Hey Sage give me your phone i will take pictures of you with them" i hand him my phone. Sam takes pictures of me with Jensen and Jared. In between pictures, Jared asks our social medias like Instagram twitter so they can follow us back. We give it to them. Jared then looks at me "Wanna give me your phone number we can talk on whatsapp or something. Id like to stay in touch with you." I smile and happily give it to him. Jensen goes beside Sam and they talk on a low tone. I cant hear what they say.

Sam Winchester/Jared Padalecki Smut (one shot stories) Where stories live. Discover now