one: stuck.

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"Stay there, I just gotta grab my phone. I'll be here in seconds!"

The bell rang, startling the two friends.

"Ah, nevermind then! Just go to class. Catch up with you later!" And with that, Heeseung left Jungwon alone. He rushed to the classroom he forgot his phone in. When he walked in, he saw a familiar face. But not one that was appreciated.

That face. That annoying, self-confident, stupidly pretty face of him. So full of himself.

The name of the asshole was Sunghoon. He just... annoyed Heeseung. Like a lot.

Sunghoon noticed him and turned to his direction with a nasty smile.

"Whatcha doin' here, loser?"

"That's none of your business." Heeseung bitched back. He rolled his eyes and made sure Sunghoon could see it. Heeseung spotted his phone, took it, and wanted to walk out, just like that.

The door didn't want to obey the first time. The second try was also a failure to open that stupid thing. He kept on trying, while being aware Sunghoon was definitely making fun of him in his head.

"Do you... need any help, by chance?" Sunghoon cocked up an eyebrow.

Heeseung decided to let his pride go for a little bit, because if that would result getting out of there, he wouldn't really care.

"Sure." And he immediately regretted saying that. And trusting Sunghoon on this.

"Well, you could start off eating more protein, go to the gym daily-"

And there it was. Of course he would say that. In his mind Heeseung repeatedly banged his forehead against the wall. Because Sunghoon would never forget this, and even if he would, Heeseung was sure that he himself would be laying awake at 3 A.M, 5 years later, thinking about this.

"Well, you know what would help you? Actually start paying attention by math, not just meth." Not that Sunghoon did any of the kind, he just had a lot of friends who did do it.

Sunghoon stopped rambling about his tips.

Finally, silence. Heeseung thought to himself. He threw one look to the ceiling and thanked whoever did that.

When he looked down, Heeseung thought he saw hurt in his eyes. He blinked and just saw Sunghoon looking at him like he was gonna murder him. He probably imagined it. Sunghoon, upset over a few words?

He felt the glare of the silver-haired boy through his soul.

Back to the problem. They were stuck, together. If Heeseung was alone, it wouldn't have been so bad.

At that moment the lights went out. Heeseung slightly jumped at the changed, not amused.

He didn't like the dark, at all.

Quick, think!

An idea suddenly shoot through his mind. Just call Jungwon! He would get him out of there.

But of course, as if his day couldn't get worse, his phone wasn't working. He couldn't even get it on.

The now phone-less guy mumbled some swearwords under his breath and turned to Sunghoon again, who was glaring at an eraser, plucking pieces from it.

"Is your phone working?" Heeseung asked, carefully. He'd rather not talk, but it was necessary.

"Shut your bitch-ass up and dissapear." He didn't have to show his face to know that he was pissed.

That was the last straw for Heeseung.

"Can't you see? I can't! I fucking can't. Even though I wish I could, because I'm losing braincells by just being in your presence! You motherfucki-"

The boy's words were cut off by him getting slammed into a wall. Heeseung didn't see him coming. He always lost connection to the world when he got mad. It then was just him and his angry thoughts.

Sunghoon put his hands on both sides of the others head, giving him no way to escape.

Heeseungs insides exploded. Not because of anger this time. It was something else. He could feel himself getting hot. He liked this feeling.

Until he realized that that hot feeling meant he was blushing.

Hold up! I am not blushing because of him. I won't allow it.

"Would you repeat that?" The ice prince whispered.

Sunghoon lifted the doe-eyed boy's chin, making sure they had eyecontact.

"I said," He mumbled, in a deeper voice this time. "Would you repeat that?"

Heeseung gulped. He didn't even remember what he said, partly because everytime he would have an outburst he wouldn't remember it, and partly because all he could focus on were Sunghoon's glaring red eyes.

The anger-filled eyes came closer. Sunghoon had brought his face so close, Heeseung was sure he felt the other boy's lips on his.

He wanted to kiss them. After all the fights, rivalry and straight-up hurtful comments they made to each other, he wanted to kiss them. But Heeseung still hated him, of course.

I mean, they were totally alone, locked up, right?

Sunghoon was waiting. And... glancing at his lips? Heeseung became aware of himself, and the hot breaths both of them let out, striking against their skin.

Heeseung brought his face closer, about to connect their lips, and...

Just at that moment they heard a loud 'pop!', followed by buzzing.

Sunghoon pulled away to look, stepping away.

Heeseung imaginary pushed away his dissapointment.

It was a green ball with lightbeams coming out of it. It floated in the air, just above on of the desks. The dark made the neon green ball stand out even more.

"What the..."

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