Chapter 3

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"So what brought you here then Howie?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat before starting, "So it all started when I got home from going shopping tonight..."


Driving home from the studio I noticed a little shop on the side of the road, it was painted white, red and pink (romantic colours). It stood out from the rest, against the peeling paint of the shops on either side of it. This very shop drew me in, causing me to pull over and slowly step out of the car. Hesitantly I slowly walked towards the door and opened...

I was hit with the most bueatiful and romantic smell there was, roses and all sorts of other flowery scents mixed together in one. I closed my eyes, simply revelling in all the heavenly scents. How could something smell so devine?

I forced myself to pull out of my own unique world and opened my eyes once again, only to be met by a swirl of all different colours of the rainbow. My vision slowly came into focus once again and I finally took in what lived in the incredible shop, a shop that I loved already.

There were bags of rose petals, champagne glasses and bottles, a row of flowers bringing all the colours of the rainbow together. There were candle holders, lighters and candles of all different shapes and sizes, different colours and scents. There was also blankets, softer than anything I've ever felt before, picnic baskets, along with plates, forks, knives and spoons, all in sets of two, as if made for a couple. And finally there was also lights, so many lights there were. All different colours with different settings.

I realised soon anough that this shop was just perfect for what I could do to surprise Katie with on our six year anniversary of being together, not to mention she's also my fiancé. It was also great because I knew Katie would be home late after her long day at work which gave me just enough time to get everything ready.

Quickly I grabbed some bags of roses, some very sweet smelling candles, some blankets and some champagne and champagne glasses. I walked up to the counter, my fingers fidgeting at how excited I was for tonight. I couldn't wait! The woman at the desk looked up and had a look of surprise on her face, clearly recognising me, but I didn't let that bother me. I put all the items I wanted to buy and waited as she just kept staring at me and licking her lips while batting her eye lashes, honestly, can't she see I'm not interested. I cleared my throat to get her attention which seemed to make her remember what she was doing and started scanning all my items while looking straight into my eyes, occasionally letting her eyes fall to my crotch. Okay I seriously wanted to get out of here now.

Finally she was done, "That's £140.50 sexy" okay seriously, did she have to call me sexy.

I averted my eyes so I could retrieve my wallet, but mainly to ease a bit of the tension. I could feel the eyes in the side of my head as the woman started putting my items in a bag for me. I took my credit card out and paid for my things.

Just as I was about to leave I felt a presence behind me, not to mention a warm breath against my ear, "maybe we can catch up some time, you could come back to my place" she whispered, clearly trying to be seductive but I just felt repulsed. I just grumbled and quickly walked out of the shop with my purchases.

That whole situation made me uneasy, but I wouldn't let that woman ruin my good mood so I quickly rushed back to my car and drove home.

Twenty minutes later I arrived, it was 8 o'clock so I knew Katie wouldn't be back for a good hour or two. I noticed a strange car down the street but didn't think anything of it.

I quickly got out of the car with my belongings and speed walked up the front steps. I went to unlock the door but it was already open, huh, that's weird. Katie must've forgotten to lock the door again, honestly how many times must I remind her.

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