Chapter 2

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Once Jason had dragged me into the warmth of his home and pulled me down onto his white leather sofa next to him, he asked me the question that I had been expecting, but definitely did not want to answer, "What's wrong? Why are you crying? What happened? Where's Katie?"

At the mention of her name I just couldn't handle it anymore and broke down sobbing again.

He pulled me into his chest and let me cry away my troubles, while stroking my back in small circles, whispering sweet nothings into my ear to try and calm me down. I tried to ignore the tingles everywhere he touched, no not just tingles, sparks, like little fireworks going of in my body, one by one. I also tried to ignore the butterflies vastly growing in quantities in the pit of my stomach, as he held me against the safety and the very warmth of his being.

After a good half an hour my sobs had resided to an occasional hiccough now and again.

Jason pulled away from the embrace and held me at arms length, while cupping my rough cheeks in his soft, delicate hands, he looked me directly in the eye. Oh those eyes. How I loved those eyes. A deeper blue than the deepest blue of the ocean. They held such warmth, such safety, and something else I couldn't quite identify or describe, but it was something good, I knew it. Oh those eyes held such beauty as they looked into mine. Wait. Beauty? What is wrong with me today, first the lips and then the eyes. What next, the fingernails? It must be the aftershocks of what happened with Katie, driving me towards someone else to fill the hole in my heart that could have only been created by her. Yeah, that sounds about right. This nonsense will all stop within a day or two, I'm certain of it, I think.

I suddenly realise Jason's mouth is moving and so I shake my head and quickly come back to reality. "Howard? Howard, are you alright? You look a bit dazed?" he asked.

"What? Oh, yeah, yeah I'm alright" Jason gave a disbelieving look.

"Really? Cos it seems like you aren't alright, not at all"

"No I'm fine, honestly" Jason gave a skeptical look in my direction one more time before asking,

"So what brought you here then Howie?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat before starting, "So it all started when I got home from going shopping tonight..."




Author's Note:

So what do you think of it so far?

Please comment, vote and share if you like it.

I would love to hear your opinions and even a bit of constructive criticism is always good.

Also I'd like to hear what you think should happen in the story, you never know if I like your idea enough I might just include it.

You'll have to wait until the next chapter to find out what happened.

Until then, bye peeps and thank you for reading!!! :)

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