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"Come on Izuku, let's go to the dinner and get some chocolate chip pancakes." Midoriya didn't say anything, he just let Jiro drag him by his hand to her car.

Once they were in the car Midoriya muttered a small, "thank you" before pulling out his phone.

"Todoroki? Will you come over tonight?" The male on the other side was a little surprised but didn't press for questions, "of course, I'll be over at 7." Smiling slightly Midoriya squeezed his phone, "thank you." With that, he hung up and put his head on the back of the seat.

Jiro turned on relaxing music as Midoriya closed his eyes, not daring to look back at the cafe. Looks like I need a new place to go.

"We can call my parents and tell them I'm not feeling well and cancel." Midoriya shook his head, "no it's alright, I'll be okay after I eat some pancakes." Jiro smiled, "alright we got this." She held up her hand and gave Midoriya a fist dump.


It was now 4:45 and Midoriya was more stressed then ever. "Izuku calm down, we are almost there." Jiro's voice was laced with panic as she gradually increased her speed.

They were freaking out mainly because of Midoriya's mother.

When Midoriya was breaking down, the beat course of action Jiro could take was calming him down no matter the time, but not that everything was calmed down they realized how bad they fucked up.

"You ready?" Jiro asked as she put the car in park, "no but let's get this over with." Jiro laughed a little, "let's go."

As they got out of the car, Midoriya feld out his arm for Jiro to take. They both took a deep breath before smiling as Midoriya opened the book for Jiro, which she thanked with a smile and nod.

Jiro's parents and Inko stood up once they walked in. "Izuku, why are you so late? You know how important punctuality is!" Jiro kissed her parents on the cheek before Inko which she returned with a, "hi sweety."

Midoriya kissed the moms on the cheeks and gave the dad a handshake before the two sat down.

"How is the engage going? We are so excited for you two to be wedded." Inko said with a smile, "oh but that's not all, we have some more news."

Inko got up and gave Izuku a little box, he opened it and Jiro looked at him in shock as two stunning rings stared them in the face.

"Oh... wow... you shouldn't have!" Midoriya said with a smile as Jiro laughed nervously, "Mom? Dad? What's this for? We already have rings?" Jiros mom smiled and waved her hand, "Inko insisted we get you two better rings, the things you had were not good enough."

Midoriya stiffened, "With all due respect, I can not except this gift." He pushed the box on the table towards his mother. She looked shocked and hurt, "but why?!"

"I paid for the rings we already have," he grabbed Jiros hand and intertwined their fingers showing off the rings, "and another thing."

He took a deep breath and looked at Jiro, who nodded. He removed his hand from hers, taking off his ring, he slammed it on the table. "We call off the engagement."

Jiro did the same but set it down more gently and watched as their parents reacted, her parents were shocked but they waited for her explanation. Where Inko screamed, "what!? Why!? We can fix whatever happened!?"

Jiro started to speak up, "we dont share feelings for each other in that way." Inko clenched her hands before standing up and grabbing Midoriya's wrist roughly, pulling him to the back room.

She locked the door before walking up to the boy and slapping him across the face, not hard enough to leave a bruise, but enough to sting. "HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN!? YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS FOR US!?"

Midoriya took a deep breath, "let's go out there so we can exp-," "NO! YOU ARE TO MARRY HER. END OF STORY!" "Mom let us expl-," "I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT. GO OUT THERE AND TELL HER YOU WANT TO BE WITH HER." "NO! THATS IT! IM LEAVING!"

Midoriya unlocked the door and walked up to the three, "can we meet just us three to explain what is going on tomorrow over lunch?" They seemed a little shocked but nodded in agreement.

Midoriya turned around and looked at the raging woman, "I quit." That was the last thing he said before taking Jiro's hand to leave.

Once in the car, Midoriya hit his head on the dashboard multiple times as he muttered, "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."

"What happened? What's going on?" Jiro said as she started to drive away. "I snapped, she keep yelling at me to marry you no matter what and I couldn't deal with it any longer."

Jiro squeezed the wheel, "so what are you going to do?" "Well, I'll explain this to your parents tomorrow and then they will probably terminate the contract and we wont be partners." Jiro nodded, not knowing what to say.

After a silent 20 minute car ride, Midoriya got out of the car and waved to her with a smile.

Oh right, Todoroki is coming over. Maybe I should cancel and call Kacchan instead... no... Kacchan has work tomorrow... and I miss Todoroki.

Once Midoriya was inside he stretched and laid on the couch on his phone.

Kacchan: hey baby hows it going? (4:20)

Midoriya: hi! It went pretty bad honestly, but I'll tell you all about it tomorrow since I don't have a job anymore :) (5:30)

Kacchan: what? Can I come over right now? (5:40)

Midoriya: yes! You are always welcome, Todoroki is coming over though. I'll explain why that is tomorrow too. (5:41)

Kacchan: oh, have fun with your friend. (5:41)

Midoriya: I can hang out with him tomorrow if you want to come over still? (5:42)

Midoriya frowned after Bakugou stopped texting him for a few minutes and decided to text Todoroki.

Midoriya: Hey, can you come over tomorrow instead? (5:46)

Todoroki: Sure, see you then. (5:47)

Midoriya: see you! <3 (5:48)

*back to chat with Bakugou*

Midoriya: Kacchan~ Todoroki isnt coming over anymore. (5:50)

Midoriya frowned again when Bakugou didn't text back, in fact her never did so Midoriya curled up on the couch sad and walked movies on live tv.

An hour past and his stomach growled so he got up and started to make some pasta. He turned on his jams and started to dance around the kitchen as he made the sauce.

"Damn you are so cute." Midoriya jumped a mile and pointed his mixing spoon at the noise before putting it down and smiling. "Kacchan!" He ran up to the boy and wrapped himself around his neck.

"Nerd, I havent even come in yet," that was true, he only opened the door to talk to Midoriya. The smaller pulled him inside and locked the door.

"Hi," Midoriya said as he squeezed the tallers waist and looked up at him with a smile. Bakugou's heart melted and he laughed a little while smiling, "hi baby." He leaned down and kissed the boy on the nose before walking to the kitchen.

"So what happened today?"

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