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It's been about a week since Bakugou and Midoriya's first kiss. They met up twice in that time, went out to dinner both times.

They had both been busy, well, Bakugou had been busy. Midoriya texted him a lot, a lot, Bakugou loved every single text though.

Midoriya had to go back to work tomorrow so he was planning to go to see a movie with Bakugou later today. He wanted to spend all day with the blonde but he had to work. Sighing Midoriya flopped over on his bed, he was bored.

It was about 2, he woke up early for once. He had to considering he had to be at work at 9 the next day. Thinking to himself, Todoroki and Uraraka havent texted him in a while.

He hasn't heard from Jiro much either. Weird. Maybe I'll talk to them later. Like she read his mind, Jiro's name popped up on his phone. Taking the call, he put it on speaker.

"Hello?" "Midoriya, we got a problem." He sat up Indian style and looked at the phone, even though it was black now. "What's wrong?" Jiro sighed, "my mom told me to come to Ms. Midoriya's music store at 4." Midoriya's face fell, "damn it! I dont want to see that woman today!" Jiro laughed, "especially since we arent engaged anymore."

The light-ish mood fell, "what are we going to tell them?" Jiro sighed, "I don't know. We should tell them." Midoriya also sighed, "Do we have to?" "Yes we do. They will want a wedding very soon."

Midoriya's phone vibrated, "ugha it's my mom. I'll call you back in a bit." "Okay, good luck."

Rolling his eyes, he answered the call. Just to be clear, he was rolling his eyes at the call he took, not Jiro.

"Hello?" "Hi Izu! And dont sound so excited to hear from me!" She laughed, Midoriya was annoyed still. "What's up mom?" "You and Jiro are coming to the shop today. She is suppost to come get you so get ready."

Midoriya rolled his eyes, "you cant just spring meetings on me like that! I had plans today!"

His mother laughed a little, "nothing is more important than this meeting. See you at 4." She hung up then.

Sad and angry he texted Jiro, telling her to meet him at the cafe at 3.

Sighing, he called Bakugou. After a few rings he picked up, "Hey baby what's up?" "H-ey! Um, I have some bad news." Bakugou's tone changed, "is everything okay? Are you okay?" Midoriya sighed, "I'm okay but I cant go to the movies with you tonight so no everything is not alright. My mom called and Jiro and I are going over there. I can't get out of it."

Bakugou laughed a little, "that's all? You sound so sad I was worried you were hurt or something!" Midoriya smiled, "no I just miss you a lot." Bakugou also smiled, and Midoriya could tell he was by the slightest tone change, "I miss you too."

A silent pause came over them, then yelling was heard of Bakugou's line, he apologized and said goodbye.

Hanging up Midoriya frowned, he got up and started to get ready to meet with Jiro. He wasnt upset about meeting with her, he wasnt all that mad about it. He was more upset that he couldnt see his Bakugou and that he had to see his mother.

Midoriya got dressed into something his mother would approve of, she didnt like the way he normally dressed. He took off his nail polish, and gelled his hair a little, just enough to get it out of his face and off to the side.

Looking at his watch, yes his mother wants him to always wear a watch, it was a quarter till so he left and walked to the cafe in his thoughts.

Man these pants suck, I hate dress pants. Now, they weren't the overly fancy dress pants, they were jet black and could be taken as normal wear. He grabbed his collar and pulled it to the side, he had a dark, rich green button up on.

Grumbling to himself, he rolled up the sleeves. "This is so annoying. I'm going to work in a music store for goodness sake not a manger company! There is no reason for me to look like this. If anything I bet people are intimidated by me."

They were not, girls and some guys were eyeing him, not that he noticed. He looked stunning and harmless, it just looked like he had confidence.

Walking into the familiar place Midoriya huffed. He was in such a horrible mood now, all he wanted was to see those crimson eyes and kiss those soft lips.

Jiro waved from the booth in the corner. She had part of her hair clipped back with a light blue blouse shirt and dark looking pants.

Midoriya waved and gave her a small smile while walking up to the booth.

"Hi." "Alright... Izuku... what are we going to do?" She looked to the side while saying his first name, it was embarrassing for the smaller girl. Midoriya chuckled, she can call me babe but not Izuku. "I dont know what we should do Kyoka."

Jiro blushed a little at the uncomfortable familiarity. Jiro looked away from Midoriya and sighed, "let's just wing it. My mother is unpredictable. Even if we make a plan it will get messed up anyways."

Jiro sighed again and nodded, knowing that he was right on the money.

"Let's get some food, maybe we will be able to handle this better with full stomachs." Midoriya agreed and called the waitress over. His eyes turned to the side and he caught sight of a all to familiar looking face.

"Shinso?" Midoriya called out unwillingly as he felt his heart sink. The taller man turned toward the voice and his face fell.

"Hey babe what's wrong?" A slightly shorter blonde turned to look at Shinso's face, then he followed the boys eyes as Midoriya stood up and understood all to well what the blondes relationship with the taller was.

"Midoriya?" "D-Denki...," Bakugou told me Denki met someone out of town not to long ago... He had a feeling deep down that it was him from the description Bakugou gave. "D-do you two know each other?" Denki asked as he squeezed Shinso's arm sweetly.

Midoriya couldnt take it anymore, Shinso's eyes never left Midoriya as the panicking boy grabbed Jiro's hand and they ran out of the restaurant. "Izuku...,"

This call, the call Midoriya never wanted to hear again, was the reason his tears fell endlessly as he felt his heart shatter all over again. Jiro seemed to understand what had happened, she started to rub his back as she called her mom.

"Hey mom? We are going to be late."

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