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It had been a long time, since Heiji had seen his childhood friend last. All these past months he had been stuck in numerous tests and his finals while studying in Tokyo University and wasn't able to return to Osaka for at least half a year. But today he had finally returned into his hometown. Now he wouldn't have to leave again - not for another round of studies - and left Tokyo behind. Well - almost, since all of his things had to get moved to Osaka again but this was going to take another week. He only got some of his main belongings in a bag and left the rest of things for the moving company his mother kindly ordered for him. He met with Kudo the evening before and they went out for some drinks. It wasn't a farewell forever but both friends got a bit sentimental to leave behind their days studying, solving cases together in Tokyo and seeing each other nearly every day since their highschool graduation. But Heiji wasn't able to getting used to the capital city of Japan, too much he was attached to Osaka. To a certain brunette girl, whom he wanted to pick up at work like promised in their last phone call.
So as it was expected of adults who hadn't any business with the kids in the kindergarten he stopped at the entrance door of the building. The young detective took a minute to observe the building accurately and he remembered the time when Kazuha and himself were in here some years ago. His glance wandered around but he didn't find any bell or something to get one of the adults to the fence. So he reached for his phone to call her out.
"Heya! Who're ya? You're none of the Daddys!"
A bit wondering he leaned over the fence to see the girl which was looking curious straight up to him with big eyes. He grimaced a bit because the young man wasn't used to being around such small kids. But then Heiji took himself to a slight affected smile.
"H... hey there little girl, I wanted to pick someone up. Ya know Kazuha Toyama?" He tried to speak in a calm voice but it sounded really forced. A small boy encountered the scene very sceptical. "What do ya want from Aunt Kazuha?!"
He looked at the boy with a sceptical glance. "I already told yer I want ta pick her up. We wanted ta meet up... Now ya go, get her here, ya snoopy little kiddos!"
A bit shocked over this sudden order the two kids looked at him with big eyes. Then the girl began to whine and then to cry. The boy at her side startled and made a step forward to stand up in front of the girl to guard her.
"Ya evil black man made Kimiko-Chan cry!!", he hissed sharply at the young man in front of the fence.
"Wha-blac-?!" Stunned he looked at the little boy in front of him. Evil black man?!
His eyebow twitched dangerous while he leaned over the fence, down to the child. "Listen, kiddo, I'll show yer what that evil black man is able to do with little brats like ya if ya don't shut up!" But he didn't have the possibility to carry on, when a yell came over. "HEIJI HATTORI!! Are ya just insane?! Ya can't tell such things to small kids!" Her voice sounded snippy as always when Kazuha came over to him with a strict face and her hands on her hips.
"Toshi-Kun, go over ta the others and play with them, will ya? I'll take care of this evil black man," she added with a grin.
"Hey, who's an evil black man?", he murmured annoyed and watched after the boy who ran away gladly. The only child he really got along with was Conan Edogawa and he wasn't exactly to be called a child.
"Ya really have some nerves ta frighten some little kids!"
"Just wanted ta scare 'em a tiny little bit!", the detective declared, rolling his eyes.
"Do ya hear yer own words, Heiji?" This woman got her right job, he thought right away and glared at her, while she waved her forefinger severely in front of his nose. "Stop it!" He felt like one of these kids being scolded. " He just wanted ta protect his friend which ya scared ta hell!"
When she explained the situation to him, his eyes got softer and suddenly the detective had to think about those times when he protected his childhood friend at the same age against all those evil entities coming up against them.
"Seems as if he'll be on a good way then!", he approved.

Heiji watched her when Kazuha waved to her colleagues before she came around the door to join the young man. He took the moment to take a peek at her curves which became more feminine every time they met - or was it just his imagination? He put his hands slowly into his pockets while waiting for her to come over.
"So, the great detective of the west have a free minute ta finally come home again?" Her eyebrow raised a bit sceptically. Well, she never seemed happy about his decision to study in Tokyo.
"Naaaah, I don't have just one minute ta come over... From today on Osaka got me back! Surprise!" He bowed down to his best friend and showed her a big grin, while she looked at him surprised as expected. But he missed noticing the slight reddish shadow on her cheeks while thinking about his upcoming propose. "Let's drink ta it, Kazuha! With some takoyaki at my cost!"
Ah, he really missed those sneaky little takoyaki balls. He got some in Tokyo but it wasn't the same. He didn't even know if it were the takoyaki themselves (no one could tell him they're better anywhere else than Osaka!) or if it was the missing company of the brunette but he was sure he wasn't able to live without them anymore!
But Kazuha turned away. "And what's yer girlfriend's opinion about ya leaving Tokyo and meeting with yer childhood friend? Or did ya bring her with ya?", she asked sharply and took a seemingly shy glimpse back at him.
"G-Girlfriend?!", slipped from his mouth stammering. Suddenly he realized that she sure was herself in a relationship bringing up that topic so fast. They hadn't seen each other in a while and in their age it was kind of normal to get to that point sooner or later. He took one moment, staring at the back of her head. Twitchy he shifted his weight from one leg to the other. It was obvious, he'd love to spout out the fact that he was after that one woman called Kazuha Toyama all these years! But at this location it was too awkward. Even more if she was spoken for another guy!
"Ah... Well... I didn't had time for those kinda things." His answer was short and sober. In his mind Heiji praised himself for this clean answer. Then he silently cleared his throat. "And... what's yer boyfriend's opinion that ya meet up with another guy?", he asked carefully but desperate and watched her reaction accurately.
She turned around with a wide grin, the hands on her back and cheeks slightly flushed. "Oh, he told me it's not a problem, since it's only ya!"
"A-ahhh...!" His answer sounded awkward, trying to keep that contrived smile on his face while being disappointed at the same time. Suddenly the young detective felt like he wasn't supposed to be here. But he messed it up all by himself waiting so long with his own confession. It was not Kazuhas fault that she didn't wanted to stay an old maid with 25 years. While in his mind he smacked himself he slowly turned his face disappointed away from her. Unconsciously he made a small pout about this fact of her being taken away by another guy and angry about himself. It felt like minutes but it happened all in just some seconds on his mind.
Just when Heiji wanted to raise his voice to turn around their conversation, Kazuha declared: "I just made a joke, don't look at me with that pouty face, ya moron!" And then she began to laugh.
He blinked once, then twice. "Joke?" He grimaced. "Ya dopey cow, I thought I did miss such an important point in yer life!", he ranted, secretly relieved, but was interrupted by her taking his hand and pulling him with her. "Come on, I'm hungry! Hurry!"
Heiji stumbled first but then followed her and closed his fingers around her small ones. It was a long time since they last run hand in hand through the streets of Osaka and it was somewhat a nostalgic feeling following her to their favorite Takoyaki Restaurant nearby. But it felt alright, even after all those years. A pleased smile laid down on his face. A childhood friendship was nothing that could easy breaking apart.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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