The Silence [filler]

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Hiya guys, I’m sorry this is so dark and weird.
It’s actually a dream I had a couple days ago and it left me so confused that I decided to use it. I'm kinda scared to upload this because it's kinda personal.. If you don't like it please just ignore it, I'll pick up where I left off with France-zone in the next chapter. This is only a filler, it won't matter much for understanding the story if you ignore it!
If you do choose to read it anyway then I hope you enjoy reading it. xx

So incredibly cold. For some reason I can’t see or hear a thing. It’s pitch black, a nothingness filled with deafening silence. I reach out into the darkness but there’s nothing for me to reach for. I hug myself and rub my arms and back in hope to get warm but it would not avail.
I look down and see that my legs are covered in a thick, red liquid. Blood I suppose. I watch it leak from my thigh all across my shin to the tip of my toe and then into nothing. I’m hanging here, in the dark silence but for some reason I stay stationary. I brush my finger through the red stuff and taste it. Definitely blood, the metallic taste leaves that characteristic tingling sensation on my tongue.

Suddenly I see short, thin hair flutter down in front of my eyes into the nothingness beneath me. I wipe over my forehead to realize that my eyebrows are gone, I gasp in panic and tug at my hair only to feel that that’s coming down too. In my hands I hold the thick locks that have always functioned as a veil for me, always locking out the world. I let them fall, don’t look at me.

Now it all comes down. My veil, my curtain, my mask. My wall and final protection.
When the last hair has fallen down I clench onto myself and start falling.


Deeper and deeper into the nothing, rapidly approaching a non-existent end. Then suddenly I reach the bottom of the pit and it’s over. 


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