The Hope Outweighs All My Sorrow

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hi everyone!! I started writing this a while ago, when Invincible first came out, and Superherotiger and I COULDN'T stop talking about an Irondad AU of THAT scene in episode 8 👀 Title is from the song in the last episode We Are Infinite by The Lighthouse and the Whaler

HUGE FREAKING THANK YOU TO TIGER!!!💖 She encouraged and supported this AND drew SEVEN amazing pictures depicting the scenes, so please go show her all the love and support in the world, ily gorgeous:

If you haven't watched Invincible, highly recommended but be warned, for the show AND this fic: TW// violence, blood, guilt-tripping. there's a huge fight between Tony and Peter using their powers where Tony is pretty ruthless, like Omni Man, but there's a more hopeful ending instead of Omni Man just flying away!

Have fun and stay safe🖤🤎❤️️🧡💛💚💙💜


Peter's consciousness drifts in and out. Through his torn mask, he can taste the salt water filling his lungs, but he doesn't have the energy to move. To breathe. To fight. And he's not even sure he has the heart to after it's been ripped out like this. Instead, he feels his body bounce uselessly off the seafloor and float as he feels the blood seep from his split lip.

Then, everything is forced back into motion when an arm wraps around his chest and rapidly wrenches him towards the surface. Under any other circumstances he'd be grateful, if it weren't the same person who just forced him to the bottom of the ocean. As soon as they breach the surface, the dimmed sound of familiar repulsors reach his clogged ears. It's little consolation as they're flown through something with a crash, but he still can't get his muscles to move. If he could just move, fight back and at least get out of his grip one more time, then he could-

Suddenly, he's hurled through the air, limbs flailing and heart pounding through his ears. Panic finally graces him with its presence and he manages to choke in a breath, but it's too little, too late. His ears ring sharply with the brutal, ice-cold impact that slams into his side without remorse. Blood splatters in stark contrast to the pale snow that does nothing to cushion his fall. Helplessness starts to sink in when the snow beneath him invades the broken, metal circuits of his Spider suit.

The exhaustion renders his body worthless as Superior Iron Man, Tony, his dad, lands beside him, rolls him onto his back, and punches his chest so violently that the ground around him cracks. There's no hesitation, only the sound of his suit shattering as his dad's fist collides with the emblem. The deep crimson of his blood blends in with the scarlet fabric, air violently being forced from his lungs as his body jerks before going motionless again. He can't hear much else after that, but feels the mountain rumble when the avalanche blankets him in a harsh, unforgiving cold.

Everything blurs together once he's lifted into the air again by his arm. Blood drips from his lips, his nose, his chest, and he can barely open his swollen eyes to look at the man who raised him. A man he wanted to be proud of him, someone whose footsteps he sought to chase after. His hero. Now, all he's met with is a glare of contempt and an impatient huff.

"Had enough yet?" Tony's question is ruthless, holding Peter up like expendable garbage to be abandoned...or destroyed. However, Peter's resolve never wavers despite the hate in those glowing, electric blue eyes that once brought him comfort.

"I'm not going to take over a company that kills people. I'll stop you," he wheezes out past his bloodied lips. Without so much as a flinch, the frown on Tony's face deepens.

"I'm ready when you are," is all the warning he gets before another punch sends him careening into the adjacent mountainside.

This impact sends a jolt of pain throughout his entire body, nerves alight with fiery agony as they fight in vain to catch up. He lies in the crater, gasping while his chest scrapes against the jagged rocks. His father hovers behind him, silver endo-sym armor still painted in blood from all the people he...

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