😠 <> Gilayn <> 😠 - 1 // 😊 <>Kuea<> 😊 - 2

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I watched Kuea leave my office in a snit ...
*Wait ... *
*Hold up*
*What exactly just happened?*

"I don't have a minute to spare. The staff meeting is in 2 minutes."
"iPad check ✅ "
"Coat check ✅ "
"Hot as ever double check ✅ ✅ " I think as I catch a  glimpse of myself on the polished elevator doors on my way down to the 17th floor conference room.

"Kuea and his childish tantrums can be dealt with during the weekend." Is my last thought about the kid as I slip my suit coat on and adjust my tie before I walk into the conference room smirk in place. I'm a winner now and always


😊 <>Kuea<> 😊 - 2

I keep hoping he'll come to me, call me or atleast message me but it's 5 pm now and I haven't heard a peep from him since I left his company yesterday evening. He must really be  relieved to be rid of me.
It's Thursday and we have a date tomorrow. The last three years Thursday evening were reserved for preparing my attire for my Friday night date making sure everything was ironed, steamed, polished so I looked the part of the soft rich heir apparent.
But my looks never affected him in the least.
I wish I had worn my graphic tees and jackets with jeans instead of spending hours trying to find the perfect ties and pocket squares.
That time would have been better spent on my projects or drum practise.
Hell those boring dates too were an absolute waste of time better spent at the Gemini I'd  at least have earned some more.
I'll never regain those wasted 936 hours over the last 3years I spent catering to and trying to impress that Asshole Lian!
Every time he told me to jump all I asked was "how high?"
I was dutiful I didn't chase after him. Even the late lunch I took him yesterday was on his mother's insistence as Hia had been so busy with a new project he hadn't eaten anything all day.
I try to be as pleasant as possible.
I always made sure not to cross his boundaries.
Never touched him unless he initiated contact.
He doesn't even hand me the bunch of flowers at our dates at that lavish restaurant he keeps on taking me to. Every. Freakin'. Week.

He is so boring!
The exact same restaurant, the exact same order, the exact same conversation.
Every. Single. Time.
"How are your classes?"
"Keep your grades up?"
"I am very busy and can't spare too much time."
"We'll leave right after dessert?"
intermittently checking his phone for mails as we ate.

Even my grandparents don't have such quiet somber meals like us, and they're now going on 55 years together celebrating 52 years as a married couple this coming November 30th.

I need to distract myself!
Constantly thinking about Hia isn't going to help in anyway. Just increase the amount of my precious time I have wasted, hanging onto false hopes of a happy future with someone who doesn't give me a single thought even when I am right in front of him.

I think I need a complete break from the man.
But I can't even block him becoz if he does try to contact me and can't get through I'll get chewed out by grandpa who believes Hia walks on water. I am his grandson but Hia is his favourite!

I am completely exhausted leading a double life like this. Hiding and remaining mum in the face of his constant cold passive aggressive behaviour.

How I wish I could just forget he exists.
But no one, especially my family, will let me forget just how 'lucky' I am to be soon married to him.

Maybe I could try telling my friends that I have broken the engagement and treat it as a dry run before I tell my family on Sunday. I will hopefully get an inkling of what the reaction could be to the news.

Or ...

Maybe ... I should take back my words.
Apologise to hi...
No! ... Kuea Man Up! Don't roll over just because you think your family won't approve! stick to your guns! It's your life after all.
Nobody has the right to dictate how you live it!

Hia can go suck on a lemon for all I care.
It's my life!

*It's my life...
It's now or never!
I ain't gonna live forever! *

Ok enough with the retro tunes.
Home work ugh ... 😑
I need to get in at least an hour of practise tonight
And I football practise begins from tomorrow
Well ...
I atleast have a legit reason to not appear for our weekly date

"Ohhhh .... Hia ..... coach really tortured us today making us do laps .... My legs are all cramped and achy ... I can barely walk ... 😭... please I can't come 😭"

Well that will definitely work ... if he hasn't already taken my words seriously about us being no longer engaged.

Anyway books now
Hia and everything else I can leave for tomorrow to be dealt with in after university hours.

A/N : 🤦‍♀️ Don't look at me! I know this came off weird but 🙏 please bear with me ... 🥺

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