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Adam and Fifty quietly rejoined the rest of the group in the living room, followed closely by Jack and DT. No one bothered or wanted to make eye contact with Risk.
“…Hey…” Fifty mumbled under his breath.
The other Jacks waved and nodded in greeting.

Adam walked over to a chair and sat down still tightly gripping the towel. His gaze went over to the blood that is still pooled on the ground, his attention quickly averted to the towel. He took a deep breath.

Risk noticed that no one payed him any mind and he honestly didn't care. He was focusing on his plan anyway. He still held the knife and looked at the now drying blood on it, he smirked.

Victor scanned the room and everyone in it, then sighed and stood up. “Alright, everyone gather ‘round. We need to get us all on the same page. We need a plan,” He glanced at Risk. “Except you. You stay there.”

Risk frowned, "Aw..damn I was looking forward to it.." He said in a sarcastic tone as he rolled his eyes.

Adam nodded and stood up as he stepped over the pool of blood and went over to Victor.

The rest of the Jacks also huddled around Victor closely, trying to drown out any possibility of Risk hearing them.
“Alright,” Eighty began. “We all know one thing…we have to get rid of him,” His eyes flicked back over his shoulder to Risk. “The question is how.”
“DT knows him best of all of us,” Jack suggested.
DT shrugged. “If you guys figure it out, get back to me. I’ve been trying for 24 years.”

Adam tried to think of what to do with Risk, "How about...we lock him in a room for now until we can figure out what is happening with the button and everything.." He said as he fidgets with the towel.

Risk raised an eyebrow, he could tell they were talking about him. He thought about quickly going to Ryan's room and finishing it there but...he thought against it.

Jack sighed. “It’s a possibility, I guess. But…something’s telling me he’ll find a way out.”

“Do we have any other options?” Eighty asked.

“There’s more of us than there are of him,” Twenty assured. “We can take him down if he tries anything.”

Adam nodded in agreement with Twenty.

Risk twirled his knife in his hands, the plan is clicking into place in his head. Ask Jack if he can talk with him, make sure it's in front of Ryan, lead him to the train tracks, Ryan will follow, Ryan pushes Jack out of the way of an on coming train, and Ryan gets killed. Perfect.

The Jacks disbanded their huddle and all looked at Risk with glares.
“Alright, you,” Twenty declared, approaching him threateningly. He saw the knife in his hands and knew he needed to choose his next actions carefully. “…You’ve been getting by too easily for too long. That’s not gonna happen anymore,” He grabbed Risk tightly by the wrists before he could react. “You’re coming with us.”

Risk was about to react but Twenty grabbed his wrist tightly before he could stab him. He glared at Twenty, "Going where exactly?" He said as he tried to wrestle out of Twenty's grip.

Twenty looked back at the other Jacks and Adam. “Where are we keeping him?”

“We have a second bathroom on the other side of the kitchen,” Jack suggested.

Everyone looked at each other. It would have to do.

Adam lead Twenty and Risk to the second bathroom, "Here it is."

Risk scoffed, "You really think a bathroom can hold me?"

Adam glared at Risk, "It's better than nothing."

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