"You'll Never Believe Who I Saw!"

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Later that week, when Lena and the family settled into a somewhat normal schedule, consisting of school, unpacking, going to the store for something they forgot they needed, and repeat, Lena finally had sometime to go grocery shopping.

The kids might like pizza and Big Belly Burgers every night but Lena wasn't a huge fan, and neither was the bank account.

While the kids were at school, she made her way to the local grocery store and started to make her way up and down the isle collecting all the things on her list.

On the other side of the grocery store

"Do we need milk? I can't remember if we still have that extra jug in the baseme-" Alex started to ask Kelly as she looked up from her grocery list. She cut herself off and whispered, "Oh. My. God."

"Alex? What's wrong?" Kelly said with a quizzical look on her face before following Alex' gaze across the grocery store to the meat section.

Only one woman stood there. This woman's long black hair was tied back in a messy bun, she had on an old crew neck sweater with paint stains and the sleeves rolled up,  lack leggings and flip flops on.

"Who is she?" Kelly asked as she crossed her arms and got stern as Alex started to stand straight up instead of leaning on the shopping kart handle.

"That would be Lena Luthor." Alex replied with a slight twist of her head. Insinuating 'the one and only'.

"Oh my god! Are you kidding me?" Kelly said with a gasp as Alex ushered them down the cereal isle.

"You betcha. Kara's old 'best friend' that left her in a wreck for months after she moved away. The very same that Kara refuses to talk about to this day." Alex replied adding air quotes around best friend.

"Hey, we have talked about this. You don't know if they were anything more, so don't act like you do." Kelly replied as she put a hand on her hip and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh ya ya ya. Did you ever blow kisses, cuddle and watch rom coms, and call every night to say goodnight to your best friend?"

"I actually did."

"Did you have a crush on her?"

"That's not the point."

"Ha! Got you!"

Kelly waves her hand at Alex as Alex points her finger and sticks her tongue out.

The two girls peep their heads around the corner of the isle to see if Lena was still there.

Turns out, Lena was right at the end of the cereal isle looking at the display.

As soon as their heads poked around, Lena gasped in fright before jumping back a little.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!" Kelly says as she picks up the box of dunkaroos Lena has just dropped.

"Oh don't worry about it, happens to the best of us." Lena says nicely with a smile and her accent lightly coming through. She grabs the box from Kelly and goes to say thank you, but stops and has a shocked look on her face before the words can get out.

Lena closes her mouth before saying in a fake voice, "Alex! It's so good to see you!"

"Lena! What has it been? 15 years?" She stops here before she fills the awkward silence that radiated out, "this is my wife Kelly. Kelly, this is Lena."

Kelly and Lena shake hands.

"Well I should probably be taking off. Got to get home soon to continue unpacking, I just moved back with my husband and kids last week." Lena said before placing the dunkaroos in her cart.

"Yes, yes. Drive safe!" Alex said.

When Lena was away from Alex and Kelly, she started panic mumbling to herself, "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."

She quickly paid for her stuff and loaded the vehicle.

The entire trip back home she couldn't stop thinking about how Kara is going to know she is back and the fact they are still in Midvale against all hopes.

Later that evening when Alex knew that Kara was home and Mike had taken the kids to the movies, Alex made her way over to Kara's.

The walk wasn't long seeing they were next door neighbour's and took the fence down between their yards.

She walked over with 2 bottles of wine in hand and slid the back door open. She found Kara sitting on the couch already having a glass of wine while watching 2 Broke Girls.

"Oh hey Alex, wanna join me?" Kara said as she scooted over on the couch to make room for Alex as she plopped down next to her on the couch.

"Turn the TV off." Alex said as she poured more wine into Kara's glass and took a swig from the bottle.

"Why?" Kara said as she gave a 'what the hell?' Look at Alex as she took the swig.

"Just do it."

Kara clicked the TV off and turned to face Alex.

"Okay, what's going on? Is everything okay?" Kara said with worry in her eyes.

"I'm alright, everyone is alright. But.... you'll never believe who I saw." Alex said.

"Who?" Kara said with hesitance.

"Finish you glass first."


"Just do it, I promise."


After Kara chugged her glass, she set it down and said, "now will you tell me who you saw."

"Lena." Alex replied.

"Lena?" Kara replied in a confused tone. It hadn't yet clicked who she meant.

"Lena Luthor."

Immediately Kara's face dropped and her eyes widened.

Before replying, Kara picked up her glass again, grabbed the wine bottle from Alex, filled her cup to the brim, and downed it. She finally said, "Are you joking?"

"Not in the slightest." Alex said as she took a swig from the other bottle. "Kelly and I ran into her at the grocery store. Turns out, she moved back last week. She is married with kids!"

Kara just sat there in shock, trying to take in all the new information Alex just gave her.

Back at Lena's, James had taken the boys to the park and Lena had broken out the whiskey.

As she drank, she thought back to her first love.

She remembered clearly the first time Alex almost caught them. Kara and Alex shared a room at the time before the room in the basement was built for Alex, it was the summer between grade 10 and 11.

Kara and Lena were laying on Kara's bed, Alex was supposed to be away at a friend's and Eliza was on a work trip at the time. It was their first time and they wanted it to be special.

There were candles lit all around the room, and the two were laying under a thin sheet. Skin on skin and exploring each other fully for the first time.

It all came to an end quick when they heard the front door slam and feet come running up the stairs.

Lena had immediately jumped off of Kara and stood up. The only issue was she was stark naked.  Kara bounded across the room and locked the door moments before the handle jiggled.

Alex had yelled out to unlock the door and they stalled her long enough for them to put clothes on and out out the candles.

When they finally unlocked the door, Alex walked in and paused for a moment.

She never did comment on anything, even thought it seemed like she wanted to.

"I just forgot my wallet." Alex said as she picked it up and eyed the two before leaving the room.

They had listened to her leave before the broke out in laughter and continued on with what they were doing before.

As soon as Lena finished recalled the memory, she poured another glass and finished it before placing her head in her hands and saying, "what the hell am I gonna do?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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