"For My Kingdom"

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Maya POV:
Ugh my temper just keeps driving people away. Maybe I should just listen to mama; this is the least I could do.... for my kingdom. The maid continued to dress me as I could hear the commotion from outside. I walked to the door of the pyramid "I am a diplomat, for my kingdom" Chiapa came to comfort me just before I was called to present myself. I walked outside of our pyramid but tripped. My brothers wanted to help me but I told them I could stand up myself. I continued to walked to mama and papa "Everyone! We would like to present to you, our daughter; Princess Maya." my father stated as the crowd started to cheer "Do you think you can handle the wait of the crown Maya?" my mother asked worriedly "If it is to be.. it is up to me" I said as she and papa put the crown on my head. Suddenly there was a loud thud causing the ground to shake. A guy with armor on a skeleton horse comes out of the woods "The prophecy is upon us. Stay back Maya" my father warned "but-" my mother cut me off "STAY BACK" she emphasized. "Great king and queen of teca, allow me to introduce myself" he took off his helmet revealing a guy with white hair, and a missing eye "I am Zatz, prince of bats. I am but an emissary for lord Mictlan." I gasped at the mention of the god of war's name "Why are you her now? We've done nothing but honor the gods" my mother retorted "Please allow me to escort the honorable princess Maya to her rightful kingdom in the underworld, where she will be sacrificed" he stated finally as everyone gasped in shock. "If you want Maya, you're going to have to go through-" I cut my father off "I agree to your terms." my whole family was in shock "Maya?!" they all said in unison "If it means protecting all the kingdoms here from the wrath of lord Mictlan, I will sacrifice myself; this is a sacrifice I am willing to make for my kingdom" I stated. "Then it is final. We shall begin our journey to the underworld tomorrow, at sunrise. For now, I believe you should spend one last time with your family; it wouldn't be honorable to present you to lord Mictlan right away without saying goodbye to your family" the demigod bowed. 


My parents ranted about how reckless my decision was "Maya, you can't just agree to be sacrificed like that. That isn't something you should just randomly agree to out of the blue! It should be thought of for a long time!" Mama ranted "Mama! We didn't have mush of a choice! If I didn't step up and let myself be sacrificed, we would've just been stepping to a death trap! It would be suicide!" I finally retorted. They both went silent "Even if I didn't chose sacrifice myself, in the end I would still die. This is the god of war we're talking about Mama, even though I wanna fight and bring an end to him, it seems that it is not yet the time." I comforted Mama. She sighed "Fine, there's nothing we can do now anyways" she said hugging me as tears came out of her eyes "I love you Maya" she whispered "I love you too Mama" I said in return.

Maya & the three AUWhere stories live. Discover now