My Immortal Imprint- Chapter |1|

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Chapter 1: Looking For Trouble

Vera P.O.V

This month has not been good since The Volturi constantly sticking their noses in my family and my lives. It's starting to get really annoying. Every week this month they're calling my adopted father, Carlisle, to see if there's a problem. Well, here's your answer Volturi, no, there's no problem. There's not going to be a problem. There hasn't been a problem for over centuries ago. So, stop calling.

But no matter how many times Carlisle and my adopted mother, Esme, aware them of no harm they seem to not believe them. They wouldn't be doing this if my adopted brother, Edward, would've chose his life partner wisely; but no, he had to choose a human and have a baby with her. Don't get me wrong I love little Renesmee and his life partner, Bella, but with his decisions has put our family in danger many times. Edward even trued to get himself killed once by The Volturi for Bella but I thank her for going there and saving him. If he's happy then I'm okay. I was bit upset that he changed her after giving birth to her daughter but I can see why. She was on her death bed and he couldn't live without her. Edward didn't want Renesmee but since he has had her he has loved her unconditionally.

I might sound a bit jealous of my own brother but truth is I am. I've lived almost two hundred years without a mate, a beloved, a life partner. All my adopted siblings have their life partners except Evan and I. We considered each other brother and sister before we even met Carlisle, Rosalie, Edward, Emmett, and Esme. Well, they were a family when we met them. Carlisle willingly took us in and helped us then Alice came along. She and I instantly become close. It was like she knew we were going to be close. Oh, wait, she did.

Anyways. One day, I wanted to be alone for once. I decided to leave the state of Alaska and go to Texas. I met "Major Jasper Whitlock." I knew he was strong but wasn't stronger than me. We fought until I told him "I was no harm." I told him about Carlisle and our family. I told him how we can keep him safe instead of him being a rouge vampire without any coven but he's been in many wars and could defend himself is what he kept telling me. Unfortunately, that's not going to work all the time. I finally convinced him to come back with me to Alaska to meet my family. I also let him know how we only feed off animal's blood. I know, it's not as satisfying as fresh human blood but animal blood is more "civil-like" apparently. Carlisle calls us "The Vegetarians." We finally made it back to Alaska and as soon as Alice laid eyes on Jasper she "knew he was the one," her life partner.

It is kind of devastating sometimes not to have somebody to comfort you or be there for you all the time. Everyone thought Evan and I were soul mates, life partners, beloveds but we weren't. Hell, even times I thought he was but we are really close. I ...

My thoughts were cut off with glass breaking on the floor. I look up at Alice as Jasper speeds over to her.

"Alice, what did you see?" He asks her in a hush tone.

We all look concern. It can't be good news, especially, if she dropped glass on the floor. It has to be horrible news. I stand up from the couch while Evan does the same.

"The Volturi," She says with her,voice shaky.

"What about The Volturi, Alice?" I ask, all eyes turn on before looking back at Alice.

"They're coming." She continues. "Someone told them something and now they're coming here."

"Irina Denali," I mumble. I shake my head. It's all clear to me now. I can see Irina going to Italy. I can see her going up to Aro, Caius, and Marcus during their feeding time. And I can hear her telling them about... Renesmee.

"What?" Jasper asks me. Now all eyes are back to me.

"I can see Irina talking to Aro, Caius, and Marcus about Renesmee." I answer while the video is still playing in my head. "They're thinking Renesmee is immortal and they're coming "serve justice, and to destroy us," in their words, for our injustice."

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