A Hunter's Day in the Boiling Isles: Part 1

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(I do not know where I can find the original artist for this picture, but regardless, all rights belong to them)

(Alright, so option 3 won by a landslide)


We start off the chapter the next morning with Luz as she tossed and turned in her sleep before awaking with a cold sweat and a gasp before she looked around with a smile on her face as she stuck her arms out in excitement

Luz: "It wasn't a dream!"

The scene then cuts to the outside as we see Luz open her bedroom window and spoke 

Luz: "Good morning, terrifying fantasy world!" 

Normally, one wouldn't receive a response, but to Luz' surprise, there was a large green sea monster that heard her and waved before replying 

Monster: "Good morning!" 

The sea monster then sunk beneath the ocean surface, never to be seen again as Luz only shivered in slight disgust at the creature before she shut the window and picked up a still sleeping King, waking him in the process

Luz: "Good morning you little cutie-pie!" 

As Luz peppered him with kisses to the face, King tried to escape from her grasp but to no avail 

King: "I am not your cutie-pie!" 

In response, Luz only hugged him as she spoke again 

Luz: "Yes you are!" 

She then placed him on the ground as she left the room while King only collapsed back down onto the bed tiredly 

King: "I know" 

the scene then changed to Luz as she was now dressed in the same outfit as yesterday and stood before the bathroom door which had two signs on it, one which was a Ladies' bathroom sign and the other was a handmade one with the text "And King" with King's pawprint. Upon opening the door, two owls flew out of the room, making Luz yelp and duck under them before she walked inside and shut the door before backing away from it, not noticing Hooty's head behind her until she heard him speak 

Hooty: "Hi Luz!" 

In response, Luz screamed as loud as possible before delivering a karate chop to the top of his head, causing him to yelp in pain and retreat out the window which he was reaching through

Hooty: "I'm just wishing you a good morning! Jeez! Hoot! Ow!" 

As he went further back down, we could see that Hooty was still attached to the door and was stretched out like a large noodle before he finally was back in his original spot while Luz could only apologize 

Luz: "Sorry Hooty!"

With that said, she spotted her book on the bathroom counter as she opened it to a page which displayed a picture of Azura while Luz spoke to the book and herself 

Luz: "This is it, old girl" 

Luz then placed the book over her face to pretend she was Azura as she kept speaking to herself 

Luz: "Your first day on the Boiling Isles as a Witch Apprentice. Hyah!"

After finishing up in the bathroom, the Scene then changed to a closet door opening as Luz had her hand covering her eyes while whispering to herself

Luz: "Please have witchy clothes, please have witchy clothes, please have witchy clothes!" 

Opening her eyes, Luz was left in a stunned shocked as she saw the closet was filled with what appeared to be witch hats, robes, broomsticks, and more as this all brought a smile to the young girl's face

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