13. raising three kids

Start from the beginning

"how about i sort the go-backs and you clean in the stalls?" you tried to strike a deal.

"but some of them are so gross for absolutely no reason..."

"then... what if we do half and switch?"

"deal," she nodded, picking up the cloth and spray bottle.


"excuse me," someone tapped your shoulder.

"hi, how can i-" you looked up from folding a hoodie. "oh! guys!"

"hi y/n!" tadashi smiled, hands in pockets.

kei nodded, "hi."

"i came to buy a gift for yachi, but i don't know what to get her."

"come with me, i'll help you find something before my shift ends," you told him, "you can use my discount too."



when r u getting home?

around 11:15

hansuke is crying
he won't stop

you're his mom, idk what to say to you

he wants u

ok but i can't leave early
i'll be home in like 45 minutes

i can't wait 45 fucking minutes
u don't need that much money every week

you forgot to buy the groceries and yuka still has to pay off her side of the school trip


and i'll pay for it

i'm the mom
i can do it

nah i got it

just come home quick bc i can't fucking take his tantrums


and bring home a packet of that ice cream thingy i like


i love uuu


"you're here," your mom hugged you. "took you long enough."

"yeah, sorry. my bus was delayed," you said, dropping your bag. "shit, he's still crying?"

"yes, god, fix it please."

you groaned, immediately heading up the stairs to look after your almost two-year-old brother.



"hi baby," you rushed to him, scooping him up in your arms. "what's wrong? why're you upset?"

"mr. bear," he frowned.

"what happened to him?"

"mommy," he sobbed.

you kissed the top of his head, "i'm sorry."

you knew what he meant, because she'd done it before.

whenever any of her kids would do anything that she didn't like, her go-to disciplinary tactic would be to throw away whatever they liked the most.

she used to pop daichi's volleyballs with a knife when he was younger so he would have to use his friends' ones instead.

with you, it would be snapping all of your school and art supplies and throwing them away in front of you.

mr. bear was a stuffed animal that you had gotten hansuke a few years ago, and he just hadn't grown out of it yet.

"how about i buy you another one, yeah? and i'll make sure mommy never hurts him," you offered.

he looked up at you with a completely reddened face and tears rolling down his cheeks, "uh-huh."

"uh-huh what?"




you smiled, "it's way past your bed time."

he giggled, and you made sure to tuck him in for the night, "goodnight, i love you, sweet dreams. see you in the morning."

hansuke waved as you left. sometimes you feared for what would happen to him when you left for college, but you always blocked that thought out. you didn't even want to imagine a world where you left your little brother.

author's note
i'm just lazy about doing all my school work but i like to call it gifted kid burn out ❤️

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐀 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 . kageyama tobioWhere stories live. Discover now