Chapter 75 - Of Falcons, Giants and Potions

Start from the beginning

"He's mad!" Fred commented, staring at Krum's dark head as it bobbed out into the middle of the lake. "It must be freezing, it's January!"

"It's a lot colder where he comes from," Betelgeuse offhandedly commented. "Let us continue. I do not fancy spying a naked boy slosh around in the water."

"Oh? Are you sure, love?" Fred inquired, rakishly smirking as he began to unbutton his coat.

"Here we go again," George groaned, flipping his long woollen scarf around his neck with theatrics.

"Oh please, Georgie! Bel wants to see some real muscles," Fred rebuked, wiggling his eyebrows and flexing his right arm.

Betelgeuse scoffed, marching ahead of the twins as she heard George speak. "Go take a dip in the lake, Frederick. Maybe the freezing water will cool your head, you hormonal moron."

The trio walked all the way down the slushy High Street, and George suggested a visit to the Three Broomsticks. The pub was as crowded as ever. Betelgeuse went up to the bar with Fred and George and ordered three butterbeers from Madam Rosmerta.

"Where is your handsome uncle, eh?" The landlady asked as she handed the drinks to them.

"At home," Betelgeuse replied, scanning the packed pub with keen eyes. "Performing melancholy tunes on the piano, lamenting about this detrimental life and anticipating our impending doom," she continued in a flat tone.

The older witch threw her head back and let out a roar of laughter. "Charming, my dear! Absolutely charming. Say hello to him for me, eh?"

"Dear old Rosm has the hots for your uncle," George commented as they sat at a table on the far corner of the pub.

"I do not think so," Betelgeuse mused, sipping her butterbeer. "She is a delightful lady with a flirting nature. I quite like her."

The twins hummed in agreement and a comfortable silence settled on the group of friends.

"Look who graced us with his presence," Betelgeuse sneered as she narrowed her eyes on a spot behind the twins.

On the other side of the large room, hunched on the table where Harry, Ron and Hermione sat, was Ludo Bagman.

"Wait here, love," Fred instructed in a firm voice as he raised to his feet with George. He kissed her forehead and marched away.

"Hello, Mr Bagman," Betelgeuse heard Fred greet brightly. "Can we buy you a drink?"

"Er — no," Bagman replied, "no, thank you, boys —"

Fred and George looked quite disappointed as Betelgeuse scoffed. "Well, I must dash," he said. "Nice seeing you all. Good luck, Harry." He hurried out of the pub. A group of goblins all slid off their chairs and exited after him.

The Black watched as the twins made their way back to her with sullen expressions on their identical faces. "It went well," she commented with a condescending tone.

"Shut up, Bel," George grimaced, drinking his butterbeer in one big gulp. "Rosm! Another one!" He shouted, slamming the cup on the wooden table.

"Bloody Bagman," Fred muttered as he gestured to Rosmerta to let the butterbeer keep coming.

"You two are too soft," Betelgeuse stated, sipping her drink. "Do you want me to tell Sirius?"

"No," Fred asserted, looking inside his empty cup. "We will find a way."

"Don't worry, Bel," George reassured. "He'll regret he cheated the Weasley twins."

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