Reaching a car, a man got off and my eyes widened once again, it was Happy.

"Did you get your bag back?" He asked and Pepper nodded her head, "She helped me." She replied, looking at me as I smiled at her, Happy looked at me, "I'm Happy. Thank you for helping Pepper." He said, giving him a smile.

"No problem." I replied, Happy looked at Pepper, "Where to?" He asked, "Coffee Shop. You know where it is." Pepper said and Happy nodded, opening the door for Pepper as I raised my eyebrow and smirked.

Happy smiled at her and closed the door as he looked at me. I shook my head as I opened the door myself and got inside the car.

"So tell me about yourself." Pepper said, facing me, "Well, I don't have much to say. Except I'm Rivia Jones, 25 years old." I replied, earning a chuckle from her, "Did you meet your soulmate?" She asked as I shook my head, "Nope." I answered as she nodded her head.

"I assume you met yours?" I asked as our eyes met and she gave me a smile. "Yes. The one driving us is my soulmate." She replied, nodding my head, noticing Happy looked at the rearview, smiling at them seeing how they love each other by their gaze.

Well, in the comics they did end up together and got married.

Later on, as we arrived at the coffee shop, Happy ordered for us as Pepper and I found some seats, "Well, don't fret, you'll find yours soon." She said as I smiled at her, "I'm not sure." I replied.

"You'll never know." She answered as we both laughed, a few minutes later, Happy arrived with our orders, saying my thanks to him as he placed the drinks on the table and sat down beside Pepper.

"How long have you been here?" Pepper asked, "A year." I replied, "Oh, where are you from?" She asked, "Boston." I answered as she nodded her head.

Hearing something shattered, jolting at the screams and hissing as I accidentally bit my tongue.

"Monica!" A woman said, everyone gathered around, raising my eyebrow as Pepper, Happy, and I stood up, "Somebody call 911!" A man said, panic in his voice.

As we approached the commotion, a girl laid on the floor, "What happened?" I asked, "A light fell down on the girl." A lady answered.

"I'm a doctor." A man said and approached the parents, "Let me take a look. Her jugular veins been cut. Does anyone have clean cloth?" He said, "Here." A waitress said, quickly gave a cloth to him, "That's great." He said, placed the cloth on her neck and pressed the wound.

"You're killing her." I said as everyone including Pepper and Happy looked at me, "I'm saving her life. She was bleeding out." He replied, "You're pressing it in the wrong place." I replied as he looked at me confusingly.

"Years of studying Anatomy, I think I remember where the jugular vein is." He said, "If she's an adult then you're right. She's a girl which means you're also putting pressure on her trachea and she's not currently breathing." I said as I approached him.

Grabbing his hand, "You have to put the pressure higher up." I said, placing his hand on the upper part of her neck, "There." I said as the girl immediately breathed.

As I carefully touch the girl's body, checking for any injuries, noticing a blood on her shirt. Lifting it up, a piece of glass pierced on the side of her stomach.

"A glass, she'll be fine." I said, informing her parents, "Who are you?" He asked, "Dr. Jones. Surgeon." I simply replied, tying my hair into a ponytail and began assessing the wound and her body. 

"I need bandages, a knife, gloves, tubes, and alcohol." I said as the waitress and the staff quickly moved, seconds later, giving what I asked for. I began to address the wound by placing bandages around the open area of the wound and careful not to disturb the glass.

Placing the knife and the tubes on her body, then poured alcohol, silence and tension engulfed the coffee shop.

Wearing my gloves, sterilizing it with alcohol, placing two tubes inside the bottle of alcohol, taping it securely, "Tension pneumothorax." I mumbled, "Incision takes place to ribs down." I said, lightly pressing her ribs at the side locating the last part of it, grabbing the knife as I began the incision.

Inserting the tube and lifting the bottle up, "Okay, why the bottle?" He asked, "The air will continue to leak and accumulate until the damage can be properly repaired. The tube allows the air to get out, the water in the bottle stops the air from coming back in." I replied.

The girl then took a sharp intake of breath, "She's breathing." He said, "You saved her life." He added and her mother gasped in happiness, earning claps from everyone.

Exhaling a breath as I removed my gloves and threw it, Pepper and Happy approached me, "Wow. I'm speechless." Pepper said, "So am I." Happy said as I smiled at them.

"Thank you for the coffee but I have to go." I said, noticing the ambulance arrived, Pepper nodded and I was about to leave when the parents of the girl called me, "Thank you so much for saving my daughter. What can I do to repay you?" She asked as I smiled.

Shaking my head, "No need, ma'am." I replied as I patted her shoulder and left the shop, walking towards an deserted alley, making sure no one is watching me, teleporting to a rooftop, sighing as I looked up, closing my eyes and smiled.

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