Chapter 1

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Legs swing back and forth as a certain blue hair and red eye girl sits in a chair, looking over an image sent over from Sinnoh. It was a wall that contained writing within the Unknown Language, something she could read fluently. After all, it was just English, but in letters based after the Unown.

Somehow, after being summoned to the Pokémon world and somehow making it to the top of Hammerlocke Stadium to summon Zamazenta on time, although the timeline somehow still split. Only difference is time didn't go backwards. After these events, she began working at Ceries Laboratory with Ash and Goh. Only problem is she somehow ended up becoming the descriptor for these kinds of things when Cynthia sent over an image of a certain ruin with the message "Friendship, all lives touch other lives to create something anew and alive." Surprisingly, that's exactly what the image said.

Since then, many similar images have come her way and honestly, the girl's sick of it. She chose to stay in this world hoping for adventure, not work. She didn't even have a job in her old world, so that's saying something!

Beside the girl, a Lucario sat on the top bunk, seeming to be looking at a book. No, this is not Ash's Pokémon, but the girl's starter. Since coming to this world, it's become very apparent that she's an Aura User and a master at Defensive Aura. How the girl accomplished that was beyond her, but it convinced the two research partners to obtain an egg, which hatched the very second he was held by his new trainer.

"Hey, Aura?" The girl leaned her head back and towards the top bunk. "I'm so bored..."

The Pokémon, hearing his trainer, closed the book and put it down. Now with full focus on the girl, it replies with telepathy. 'I feel your pain, Yuki.' Aura's eyes seemed sad. 'Once your done with this bit, maybe you can request a vacation or something.'

"But where would I go?" Yuki looks out the window, seeing her two new friends playing with their first Pokémon. All of them have a smile on their face, living life carefree. "Just because I turned 25 a few weeks ago doesn't mean I ever was like one to begin with. They expect me to do the same kind of work the grown ups of this world do? I'm registered as an 11 year old here!" Hands slammed on the table.

A paw was placed on one of the girls hands, emitting calming waves. Sadly it seemed to not do much, as the one receiving it seems to not welcome the feeling.

"Honestly, it's less about the work and more about the fact it seems like I'm just being used for my ability to read what others take months, or even years to decipher." Looking back at the computer and minimizing the tab with the image, Yuki pulls open a web page for something in Sinnoh that will open up in over a year. "If anything, I really want to go here. I remember exploring this place for hours in the games..."

Yuki reminisces about her days back in the real world, turning on her DS and putting in Pokémon Platinum. She never seemed to beat the game, because she never read the text Cynthia said after leaving the Distortion World. If only the girl read it, she would of known how to unlock Sunyshore City...

That being beside the point, more then 3/4 of her time playing the game was spent mining for no reason and making an awesome secret base. It seemed like that concept would be a reality in this world, but only after at least another year passed. Yuki was patient with people and Pokémon, but never once was she good at waiting for a certain day to pass by on the calendar.

'Cynthia is one of the people who have been working on that project,' Aura reminded his trainer. 'With the amount of help you've been giving her with these deciphering, I can't see any reason for her to say no.'

That's true, Yuki realized. She knows that the Underground is stable and usable, but it seems at least for a little while, the important people of the world want an activity to enjoy without the view of the public eye. Although the girl is considered a higher being within this world (being from the world that created it), wanting to live as much as a normal life is far more important to her. Due to this, only a few people know the truth to her existence.

"In the public's eye, I'm a nobody." Yuki closed the browser and put the device into sleep mode, then looked outside again. Pikachu seemed to of tackled Ash, as the two giggled. "I'm no champion like the boy I've admired for years."

The girl has always admired the kindness Ash had, despite being a fictional character. His heart of gold, his desire to help others to the point where his needs don't come first, always one to never gives up... he had a lot of her own qualities. You would think that something like this would lead to a crush, but if there's one thing Yuki has always been, it's someone who sees everyone equally. To the girl, Ash is (and always will be) a very good friend.

'Let me guess," the Lucario sat on the bottom bunk now, leg crossed over the other. 'You also believe Goh is important for being part of Project Mew.'

All Yuki does is nod. Even though she feels the evilness come from that projects leader, she has no proof that he's also a bad person within the world. To everyone, that little group is important, as they have made so much progress.

"Both of them have a public record of their achievements. I'm just a nobody, a friend of the two who will be seen in a way that is just hitching a ride for the benefits..."

This is when Lucario grasped the girls shoulder with his paw. 'You aren't one to care about what others think.'

After those words came out, Yuki realizes she's forgotten that part of herself. Never once was she a person who truly cared about herself in the mind of others. Her opinion about herself was all that mattered. Since when did she start caring even the slightest?

The Pokémon slowly helped the girl up from the chair. 'You've been working too long. One way or another, you need a break. Lets go get some dinner. I smell Hotdogs and Beans.'

Taking a small sniff of the air, Yuki noticed it as well. With a growling tummy, the two bolt for the kitchen.

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