Final Battle/Uprising begans

Start from the beginning

Sabine give Ursa and Tristan a bag as well "this will make us bad Tristan said as he and Ursa sneak to the prison Sabine look at Predalien "once your done meet us back at camp okay Sabine said Predalien nod her head before she rub her head on Sabine helmet before she left. Ursa was at one of the vents she open it and place the egg inside before she lock it Tristan was at a vent he place his egg inside before he close his vent and ran away from the vent Sabine was at her vent she place her egg inside and close "there hope this work Sabine said as she ran back to cover.

*at camp*

Fenn Raul was walking to a tent he peck inside to see Bo Katan she was sitting on the bed with two droids working on her robotic arm he saw her moving her fingers and twisting her hand "how is she doc?Fenn Raul ask "she optional, her new robotic is at a working stage until further training the medical droid said as he left Bo Katan sigh as she got up "you okay Fenn Raul ask "no I thought I would never be beat but thanks to my lack of training I let thus happen Bo Katan said as she look at her robotic hand "Katan even with more training we couldn't even match Bridger he would kick out ass Fenn Raul said "I guest your right Raul Bo Katan said as they exit the tent "but Sabine has a plan to stop Ezra and we need everyone including you Fenn Raul said "what plan?Bo Katan ask "Sabine figure that Bridger has been playing both side so we figure if we stop his plan now we can end the Empire and end Bridger in one final strike Fenn Raul said "you sure this will work with this many warrior's? Bo Katan ask "no but with Sabine alien friend is getting our army Fenn Raul said as they walk up to were Sabine and the others are "any report on your alien friend?Fenn Raul ask "well she was post to take over one prison so far we got report of 10 other outpost being over run by a strange alien creature Sabine said "really? You okay with that?Fenn Raul ask "i guest so I have Ketsu keeping a eye out if she return Sabine said "so what do we got?Fenn Raul ask "well Hunter reported that the Empire forgot two Cargo transport ships and a planet charge that Ezra left behind but he must deactivated when he left Sabine said "so what your plan?Fenn Raul ask "well with the cargo transport I was thinking we could use it to sneak pass the blockade but for the planet change I was thinking we could use it to destroyed the blockade Sabine said "but where would we land? Zeb ask "the Senator building Sabine said as she show them a image "there Ezra and the Emperor will be and were I end this fight Sabine said "you can't survived against both of them Fenn Raul said "i don't Ezra is who I'm after he bring him down the Emperor will be easy to deal with Sabine said everyone was studying the plan "look this could be our one chance we get and we must take it Sabine said as she saw everyone not agreeing "look I know we all lose someone to the Empire which is why we are fighting for, not to get our revenge but to make sure no one else lose anyone else Sabine said Ursa Hera Zeb and few other clan warriors look down "look I know you think about them but we promise them that we won't stop fighting no matter what Sabine said "so who with me?Sabine ask then everyone began to put their hands in the air and some were cheering "now get ready we leave soon Sabine said "Hey Sabine she back Ketsu said everyone head to the entrance of the cave to see Predalien and her entire swarm of Xenomorph behind her "wow there must be dozen of them Ursa said then they saw the two Cargo Transport ships landing "gather what you need we leave soon Sabine said to everyone.

Ursa and Bo Katan walk up to Sabine "before we go we want to show you something Ursa said as they lead Sabine to the back of the cave "so what is it mother?Sabine ask "when I found cave it wasn't for great cover over the Empire but it also hold a very secret that we Mandalorians know along time ago Bo Katan said as she reach for a small rock and twist it a hidden door open up Bo Katan Ursa and Sabine enter the hidden room inside the room was a hidden forge

Ursa and Bo Katan walk up to Sabine "before we go we want to show you something Ursa said as they lead Sabine to the back of the cave "so what is it mother?Sabine ask "when I found cave it wasn't for great cover over the Empire but it also hold a ...

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