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"Friends, there is no need to be afraid" Blinky attempted to calm the slowly growing crowd, and Toby slyly waved at them while Claire stuck close to Jim, who was next to AARRRGGHH!! "He is the Trollhun-" 

"What. Is. This?!" Boomed an all too familiar voice that made all the emotions that Jim had just managed to push down, bubble up once again. 

Draal. It was Draal. 

Draal was alive, Jim attempted to calm himself down, hoping no one noticed however Claire did but stayed silent, not wanting to gain the attention of the teal troll with large horns and a nose ring that had broken through the crowd as he stomped closer to the group. 

"I was just getting to that, Draal." Blinky attempted to sooth the rage of the warrior, to no avail as he backed up from the bigger, and certainly strong troll.

"Human feet never sullied the grounds of Trollmarket before." Draal stated as he walked up to the shortest human teen. "Who are these fleshbags?" He sneered, baring his teeth at the very intimidated and scared Toby who's only response was to cower and move back as well. 

"Believe it or not, he is um… how do I put this?" Blinky asked himself, trying not to invoke the bigger troll's wrath any more than he should. "Our new Trollhunter!" He simply said, two of his hands up in a small gesture towards Toby. Once it was said, resounding gasps erupted from the gathered trolls around them, even scaring off a couple of gnomes who decided to hide behind the feet of one of the bigger trolls.

Toby only looked back at Blinky and his friends, feeling very alone as the warrior troll towered over him, his line of vision only switching to said troll once he started talking again. "He can't be the trollhunter! He's not a troll!" He said with a slam of his fists into the ground creating small craters upon impact, a slam that Toby had safely dodged, only stumbling backwards from the shock as he accidentally bumped into AARRRGGHH!! Who, despite his limited vocabulary, decided to defend the new trollhunter. 

"Amulet chose." And with that, an angry snarl left the blue trolls Toby dashed behind the gentle giant. 

"Try to remain calm. Destiny is just-" Blinky tried once again to calm the raging troll until the sudden voice of Jim sounded from behind the two nice trolls. 

"Show him, Tobes! You can do it!" Jim called out encouragingly to his friend, knowing that this was also what his friend had done for him in the past. With a deep breath, Toby pulled out the amulet once again, looking at it for a second before he looked up towards Draal, a determined look plastered onto his round chubby face. 

"For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command." Toby said out loud, enough for the gathered crowd to hear. Soon after, the boy started to float as pieces of silver armour appeared from blue wisps of energy that circled the boy. After donning his armour and being set down on the ground, a sword appeared in his hands. 

A little shorter, Jim noted examining the blade of daylight with a triumphant smile. Claire watched on in awe completely forgetting how Jim seemed to tense up every now and again. 

Although Jim had wanted to listen in on the rest of the conversation happening in front of them, he just couldn't seem to be able to do just that as his emotions threatened a sob to escape the boy every time he looked at Draal. Instead of listening into the conversation and taking part of it, Jim just simply opted to stare at his feet, a tired expression washing over his face. 

After a while, the teen simply rubbed his face, trying to get rid of the ever growing headache that suddenly came as soon as he entered Trollmarket. Why? Why was life doing this to him? Why couldn't he just have a simple life?

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